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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I was there on Saturday night(10/10) for Fright Fest and everything was open, even Mindbender and GASM. Begin Rant>BTW, Six Flags does a terrible job for fright fest. There were all of 7 scare actors in the whole park and they weren't even trying to scare people and the halloween decorations were lack luster at best. I am assuming that a lot of this is because of the bankruptcy. Oh, and a 10 dollar upcharge for one haunted house is ridiculous! Why can't we have haunts like the Cedar Fair parks? I would gladly pay an extra admission if there were several haunted houses and scare zones.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those of you who are interested... the flood here in Atlanta was rated as "off the charts"... literally. This area of the world receives about 45" of rainfall a year, on average. The storm that caused the flood dropped 20" of rain in a single day! The highest rating on the chart was a 500 year flood, and this one easily topped it.


Just an fyi...



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For those of you who are interested... the flood here in Atlanta was rated as "off the charts"... literally. This area of the world receives about 45" of rainfall a year, on average. The storm that caused the flood dropped 20" of rain in a single day! The highest rating on the chart was a 500 year flood, and this one easily topped it.


Just an fyi...




Thanks for that info. I think that makes it all the more impressive that the folks at SFOG were, for the most part, able to clean it up in just a few days. I was skeptical given that 20" of rain had fallen. Kudos SFOG!

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  • 9 months later...

Six Flags Over Georgia Announces Dare Devil Dive





Calling all daredevils!!!


In 2011, Six Flags Over Georgia will introduce Dare Devil Dive, a "euro fighter" coaster with an amazing drop that's BEYOND vertical.


Dare Devil Dive's mission begins as you're pulled straight up to the sky on a special vertical chain lift, then slowly roll to the top of the tower nearly 100-feet in the air. After an agonizing pause at the crest of the summit, you plummet downward at an angle that is beyond straight down — it actually angles inward at a blistering 52 mph.


Then you careen through a thrilling combination of diving loops while executing three inversions before you catch air on a zero gravity hill and swoop across the dreaded Immelman vertical U turn stretched high above the ground. The crescendo builds as the car dives toward the ground and up into a Heartline roll before being slowed by the magnetic brakes. Whew!


Dare Devil Dive will be the 11th coaster in Six Flags Over Georgia's already stellar coaster line-up.



Height Restriction: 48"

Flash Pass: Yes

Height: 95 foot vertical lift

Length: 2,099

Top Speed: 52 mph


Features Country's first beyond vertical dive


Three inversions


Opening: Memorial Day Weekend, 2011


Manufacturer: Gerstlauer Amusement Rides

Edited by robbalvey
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I'm interested to see what the three inversions will be as it's not really clear from the write up or the pictures. Obviously there will be a zero-G roll finale...but it also mentions "diving loops" and an Immelman U turn, whatever that will be.


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Edited by mcjaco
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Jamie, I think all signs are pointing towards where Free Fall and the drive in theater have been/are. They have been working on that area for a while now. I also read that they are closing Shake, Rattle and Roll on August 8th to start clearing the area out. Thus it should be visible from the entrance/parking area. This is a surprise to me as I heard that all rumors were pointing towards a Tony Hawk Big Spin. Thank God we are getting a eurofighter instead!

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I'll probably never ride this, but more EuroFighters in the US can't be a bad thing.

It can when they become somewhat redundant.


Seriously, I usually hate the "one country/continent is greater than the other" argument in terms of coasters, but sometimes it really does seem like the US shops at the WalMart for coasters.


I guess Blue Fire, Anubis, and megalite don't translate too well in English. Oh well, SFOG could've done worse I guess. Here's hoping BGT gives us something truly unique for next year.

Edited by BeemerBoy
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Jamie, I think all signs are pointing towards where Free Fall and the drive in theater have been/are. They have been working on that area for a while now. I also read that they are closing Shake, Rattle and Roll on August 8th to start clearing the area out. Thus it should be visible from the entrance/parking area. This is a surprise to me as I heard that all rumors were pointing towards a Tony Hawk Big Spin. Thank God we are getting a eurofighter instead!


Agreed! I'm glad it's a Eurofighter over a Big Spin. Not that I dislike big-spin's - but Eurofighters are more fun to me. I'm hoping it is more akin to Sponge Bob's Rock Bottom Plunge @ Mall of America over Mystery Mine (which it must be, since Theming is a huge part of MM .) I really enjoyed that one.


I also agree with the speculation about the location. I remember riding Mindbender last spring (when we ran into you in line for Goliath) and seeing the HUGE hole where the theater next to Shake Rattle and Roll used to be. All that was left was a facade. Since Eurofighters have a relatively small footprint - it would easily fit in that area.





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^^^Seriously? Did you expect a Six Flags to do something that was a prototype for the US? Come on. At least be excited that we are getting something new and it isn't a cookie cutter coaster like the THBS that was rumored. It is only the 3rd Eurofighter in the US! For one, I am super excited about this and glad that we are finally getting something new.

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Scott, while I think your argument holds for something like a Boomerang, the U.S. doesn't have that many Eurofighters (just at the Mall of America and Dollywood). Plus, I think this model delivers a lot of "bang for the buck."


I agree that we need Mega Lites here--a Gerstlauer Bob sled or two wouldn't hurt, either.

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^^^Seriously? Did you expect a Six Flags to do something that was a prototype for the US? Come on. At least be excited that we are getting something new and it isn't a cookie cutter coaster like the THBS that was rumored. It is only the 3rd Eurofighter in the US! For one, I am super excited about this and glad that we are finally getting something new.

Is it wrong to wish it was the other eurofighter model instead? (I'll stand corrected if the artwork proves to be deceiving)




Chuck, I was also kind of thinking along the line of GCIs (with the exception of Prowler, of course ) and B&M hypers. While I enjoy them, they're all rather similar, and have popped up everywhere. I'm sensing the eurofighters are starting to follow suit. Oh well, just my humble opinion.


Don't get me wrong. It'll be a nice addition to the park, and I'm very thankful it's not Tony Hawk. That's all I got.

Edited by BeemerBoy
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