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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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^Thanks for the advice, I found an even better view of the ride.


Green- existing fence - Perimeter

Red- existing fence - Restricted

Yellow arrows - Low Zones



That's a pretty good view, and it doesn't look like I'm missing an existing fence.


Not having an additional gate at the low zones (Arrows 1, 2 and 3) means theres not 2 gates between guests and the danger zones in certain areas of the parking lot. And not having a restricted zone sign on the black perimeter gate because its acting as both a perimeter and restricted gate, is not a good thing for Six Flags.



I already explained this once earlier on. The state a park resides in determines what is the proper way to "fence in" a ride. Parks do not decide what height the fences are or how many there are, its a matter of state law. At least I know thats how it works in MD where SFA resides.

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Wow, if they sue Six Flags, it will just add to our (Americans) already *great* reputation. What would their arguement be? They should have netted the whole ride in? Really, I feel bad for the family, but if the kid had any common sense he wouldn't have done what he did. And plus, didn't witnesses say he jumped not one, TWO fences? I just am in awe about how stupid this kid was...

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I already explained this once earlier on. The state a park resides in determines what is the proper way to "fence in" a ride. Parks do not decide what height the fences are or how many there are, its a matter of state law. At least I know thats how it works in MD where SFA resides.


Understood. What I mean is it doesn't make SFOG look good when their safety systems are *only* what's minimally required.


If the park would have took it upon themselves to simply add another fence around the low zones in case something went wrong with the perimeter fence, I think it would be more of a cut and dry case. It would have shown that they went above and beyond to protect the guests safety.


I'm not standing up for the kid at all, I'm just trying to understand why the plaintiff even thinks they have a case. I'm totally siding on the park on this issue.

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I already explained this once earlier on. The state a park resides in determines what is the proper way to "fence in" a ride. Parks do not decide what height the fences are or how many there are, its a matter of state law. At least I know thats how it works in MD where SFA resides.


Understood. What I mean is it doesn't make SFOG look good when their safety systems are *only* what's minimally required.


If the park would have took it upon themselves to simply add another fence around the low zones in case something went wrong with the perimeter fence, I think it would be more of a cut and dry case. It would have shown that they went above and beyond to protect the guests safety.


I'm not standing up for the kid at all, I'm just trying to understand why the plaintiff even thinks they have a case. I'm totally siding on the park on this issue.

I can definitely see the argument. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a lawyer made that case, either. Thankfully it seems easy enough to say "look at all the parks around the country with the same/similar fences in place, and this has never happened at any of these locations." Clearly this kid wasn't the brightest out there, hopefully a jury would be able to understand that...

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I already explained this once earlier on. The state a park resides in determines what is the proper way to "fence in" a ride. Parks do not decide what height the fences are or how many there are, its a matter of state law. At least I know thats how it works in MD where SFA resides.


Understood. What I mean is it doesn't make SFOG look good when their safety systems are *only* what's minimally required.


If the park would have took it upon themselves to simply add another fence around the low zones in case something went wrong with the perimeter fence, I think it would be more of a cut and dry case. It would have shown that they went above and beyond to protect the guests safety.


I'm not standing up for the kid at all, I'm just trying to understand why the plaintiff even thinks they have a case. I'm totally siding on the park on this issue.



How far are they supposed to go? What if they had three or four fences and he jumped them all anyway then what would that money have been good for?


Nothing. SF has no reason to go above and beyond with their fencing because obviously one fence is enough for smart, self-preserving people.

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What one of my friends said to me earlier:


"Hey Nick, did you hear about the kid that got decapitated at Darien Lake? He was climbing a fence. How do you get decapitated climbing a fence?"







I could show you a picture... you might puke though.

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Seeing his myspace brings the whole event a little closer to home. I don't think any of my friends would do something so crazy, but if they did...I can't imagine how devastated I would be.

I'm so sorry to all of his friends and family.

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As horrible as this is maybe some good will come from it. Maybe other 17 or so year-olds who read or hear about this might stop and think for a second about doing something crazy like this. I would hope it would cause them to think about the consequences of their potential actions. Think about the possibility of losing their life. And if nothing else, think about the extreme pain it would cause their friends and family and I sincerely hope that if they truly cared about and loved their friends/family, that that alone would stop them from risking and losing their life for something stupid. Maybe.

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Well, some lawyer is trying to sue:


CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The lawyer representing the family of a teen who was decapitated by a roller coaster in Georgia is looking to find out if they can file a lawsuit against Six Flags Theme Park.

According to the lawyer's investigation it's been discovered that the teenager isn't the first person to be killed by the same roller coaster.


The death of 17-year-old Asia Leeshawn Ferguson has been ruled as an accident.


Police in Georgia are ruling out reports that Ferguson had been trying to retrieve a hat inside a restricted area near the Batman Ride at Six Flags.


They say Ferguson may have been trying to take the shortest route to get to the ride.


Attorney Lamar Flatt thinks warning signs and fences placed near the ride weren't enough to prevent this tragic death, citing the death of a maintenance worker who was killed by the same ride in 2002.


The ride was closed after he was killed. Investigators say the coaster will stay closed until the Georgia Department of Labor inspects it.



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Okay so it does appear the 2nd restricted fencing would keep guests that are in the queue line away from the coaster as they would already be within the perimeter fencing.


The perimeter fencing is obviously a fence to not be crossed as someone would be trespassing and the entrance would need to be used whether they have paid admission already or just first entering the park.


If I am not mistakened there is only the perimeter fencing around the Mindbender, but correct me if I'm wrong. The Mindbender has a low spot close to the parking lot which would be the 2nd loop which is surrounded by a small amount of water, but could still be accessible by someone who might stumble on or across the track and be hit by a train.

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^ I don't think it's at all creepy. I mean, there is an entire website dedicated to dead people's myspace pages.





I was checking out this mydeathspace site, just for the heck of it. They list some info about each person, including their picture, age at death, where they were from, and cause of death (e.g., Car accident, Shot, murdered, etc.).


The young man that is the topic of this thread hasn't been added to the site yet. But when he is, they should put "Cause of Death: Stupidity".

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Well, some lawyer is trying to sue:



Police in Georgia are ruling out reports that Ferguson had been trying to retrieve a hat inside a restricted area near the Batman Ride at Six Flags.





b/c he obviously didnt need one


Lord, i apologize....

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