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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Just for the special 2022 pass offer.

But it's only the single park pass. And looking closer I can't find the gold pass anywhere.


Is it just me or has SF killed off the multipark season pass?

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^ for the moment, that's exactly what they did.


the FAQ mentions "Multi-park" pass in one of the answers, so I suspect eventually that will come back for a premium price.  

but at the moment, the only way to get all parks in the chain is to switch to Membership.

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That sucks. I like that they added parking to that single pass, but I travel for work and occasionally go best other parks.


$40 for the single park pass isn't bad, but I'd like at least the option for more without being stuck with monthly payments 

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1 hour ago, bert425 said:

there's a workaround (costly, but it seems to exist)

Costly? If it's not the same or less it's a ripoff. It's cheaper for them if they don't have to process payments every month.  Just a fact of how payment processing works. Those fees are why so many small stores have minimum purchase requirements for card transactions. Less than that and the fee is more than their profit margin. 


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9 hours ago, TEDodd said:

Costly? If it's not the same or less it's a ripoff. It's cheaper for them if they don't have to process payments every month.  Just a fact of how payment processing works. Those fees are why so many small stores have minimum purchase requirements for card transactions. Less than that and the fee is more than their profit margin. 


A certain percentage do not cancel at 12 months. If you prepay a year, you cannot forget to cancel and they lose money. Thus, they charge more if you prepay for the year.  

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47 minutes ago, tndank said:

A certain percentage do not cancel at 12 months. If you prepay a year, you cannot forget to cancel and they lose money. Thus, they charge more if you prepay for the year.  

So renew automatically at the monthly rate unless you cancel or prepay another year.


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Those new Mind Bender trains LOOK GREAT - that nice shiny purple.  But reclined headrests (with a hard plastic back attached to the back plate, hello pain), bucke-y seats, and a seat divider have NO place running on a Schwarzkopf.  It was an improvement for Revolution because it was better than the custom mess that ride was running since '92.

I know ... Premier, etc., old rides, parts/availabitly.. blah blah most of it's crap.  Take a good long look at Montezooma's Revenge, Fire Dragon, and a few others... those trains were designed that way for a reason.  You get the thrill of 70s loop coaster with the freedom (and laterals - where applicable) of a classic wood coaster.

If you're a big Schwarzkopf fan like me and you appreciate those old trains (and the remakes of them on the others not at Six Flags) ride Shock Wave while you can.  One of my favorite parts on Schwarzkopf loopers was always those curves cuz you get to move around while still being safe with the built-in seat divider those individual lap bars provide.  It's a genius design.  Sliding back and forth (and perhaps squishing your partner) is much more fun and comfortable than being awkwardly bent sideways over a seat divider.  Seat dividers have made many of our kind hate laterals (Legend).


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^After the ACE plaque out front (doesn't mean much to many, but come on) and all the recognition, you think they'd have given that a little more thought.  Real butthurt indeed, MB has been my #1 steel coaster since 1990.  For a while, Superman at SFNE took that spot, until I rode the new trains on that one.  Uck.

Here at Great America we have Whizzer, another top steel coaster for me.  They still have the 5 original trains.  Most years since the late 80s through 2019, they would have 3 on the track.  Sometimes 2 running with one in transfer, or all 3 running.  They always would rotate 2 out and do a complete refurb treatment in the shop.  Last week, Whizzer was running better than ever - even in the extreme humidity.  The trains look and feel like brand new, down to the dark green upholstered padding (well.. padding was originally red until they painted the whole ride dark green in 1981).  You will never see ripped padding on those trains.  They even have old fashioned goldleaf-style lettering below the Whizzer logo on each train "Est. 1976."  They sure are proud of that ride as they should be.  When they planned to remove it in 2002, they found out how many people really loved that ride.  It's still one of the most popular rides in the park.  I wish the other great SF Schwarzkopfs could get that kid glove treatment.

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8 hours ago, CoasterGuy06 said:

They've posted a plain green square on their socials. Guessing that's their hint its reopening is in fact happening soon.



A week? A month?



It was testing with 2 trains Sunday. One had dummy weight and the other looked empty. The time between trains was really long.

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2 hours ago, Kyndmusic said:

They officially posted on their website September 18th is the day it reopens!

Damn, missing it by two weeks. :(

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Yeah, me too.  I wasn't expecting it to be open when I planned this trip.  Just checked in to my hotel after a grueling 12 hour drive.  Tonight is dinner & drinks with an old friend and then tomorrow is the park, with Platinum FP.

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Unfortunately, they had mechanical issues with MB this morning and it never opened during the planned preview time for me.

They did test with 3 trains, so capacity shouldn't be an issue.

I know from speaking to others that it did finally open mid afternoon, hopefully someone else will post a review.

I attached a short video during testing.


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