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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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There are no dates listed for 2021 either so they're probably closed forever. The app is all-knowing.



Don't forget the app can also show the temperature at the park... Which helps determine if the virus dies from heat when it get's to the park.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So do we think this park will open in a few weeks? My park travels got ruined in April and May and I am trying to scrap together a couple now. Atlanta airport is so easy for flights so I wanna check this park out in June if possible.

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So do we think this park will open in a few weeks? My park travels got ruined in April and May and I am trying to scrap together a couple now. Atlanta airport is so easy for flights so I wanna check this park out in June if possible.


My guess would be that texas and georgia will be the next two parks to open. So if things at frontier city go well in a few days i could see a mid-late june for texas and georgia. Complete speculation though

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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced he is allowing amusement parks to reopen as early as June 12 (Friday). It remains to be seen if that date is when SFoG and White Water actually do open. IMHO the park (and really any other park) planning on reopening should do so on a Monday. This will keep the attendance very light and give the park a chance to see what works and what does not as attendance gradually ramps up toward the weekend.

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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced he is allowing amusement parks to reopen as early as June 12 (Friday). It remains to be seen if that date is when SFoG and White Water actually do open. IMHO the park (and really any other park) planning on reopening should do so on a Monday. This will keep the attendance very light and give the park a chance to see what works and what does not as attendance gradually ramps up toward the weekend.


My opinion is they will open close to that date. SFoG is the biggest theme park in the state so no way he made this decision without talking to them.


They may push it to monday to say they are going above and beyond but by June 15th SFoG will be open. Hurricane harbor and white water I'm not so sure. Lazy River and Wave Pools are crowded normally....

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SFOG was one of the parks originally on my 2020 Coaster Extravaganza (RIP), so I am definitely interested in seeing how things go there, as we just might go on down, assuming that I keep my SF passes active this year, instead of just writing it off and waiting until next year. Still haven't ever been, and I'd love to check it out!

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SFOG was one of the parks originally on my 2020 Coaster Extravaganza (RIP), so I am definitely interested in seeing how things go there, as we just might go on down, assuming that I keep my SF passes active this year, instead of just writing it off and waiting until next year. Still haven't ever been, and I'd love to check it out!
It’s a good park. I plan to go shortly after they open and If it’s not already here will post pics of what things look like.


I have a season flash pass in addition to my membership so assuming all that stays the same I should be able to easily social distance.

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When they do open, they'll need to open the morning 2 sides further out to distance people more. opening only to TC and GS is too closed in. or they can just open ALL sections at once spread everyone immediately.


That is why reservations to the park are going to not be just for a date but also a time so everybody isn't hitting the gates at the same time.

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They have posted on all their socials they have an announcement coming Monday. Assume it will be their reopening date.


Yep. Since the 12th is when they are allowed to my money is on that being the day. Maybe the 15th if they don't want to open on a weekend but no later then the 15th IMO. My money still that they will open on the 12th.

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They have posted on all their socials they have an announcement coming Monday. Assume it will be their reopening date.


Yep. Since the 12th is when they are allowed to my money is on that being the day. Maybe the 15th if they don't want to open on a weekend but no later then the 15th IMO. My money still that they will open on the 12th.

I could be wrong but I doubt SFoG would open earlier than the two Texas locations (June 19th) as those two parks made their respective reopening announcements this past week.


I do wonder if the park will keep the remodeled Gotham City section closed and save the new 2020 attractions for later. In the very least I think it makes sense to allow guests to experience the 'new-ness' of being open and leave Gotham shuttered for at least a few additional weeks.

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As of 2 weeks ago, Mindbender was still not put together. I foresee Gotham still being closed for a bit.


I'd love to see them open this weekend but I think it'll be a week or two later.

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Solid work here. Put up the announcement and then miss the first promised reservation time. Have a Six Flags day!


It's up now. I was able to get 11:30 for next saturday. Preferred parking reservstions not working yet.

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