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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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^ Last week I came off my break at Riddler's ( ), walked through the gate, and right past me walks 3 Cops trying to escort a handcuffed, white-trash lady who was cussing up a storm, away. Followed by a larger group and security.




It ends up there was a racial fight in the line.









People are stupid. I'm in the industry.




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Hmmm, I guess this is final proof for me that Six Flags will always be "ghetto." Although many (yours truly included) noticed early on in the season (before school got out) that Six Flags had made some notable improvements, I now see that they will never escape true "ghettoness." Try as they will, Shapiro and company have the challenge of a lifetime if they truly believe they can transform all of their remaining properties to more of a "Disney-like" atmosphere.


I applaud their efforts in cleaning the parks up, and trying to eliminate smoking as much as possible. Unfortunately, all of that will ultimately be for naught. The simple truth is that eliminating Mr. Six, throwing in a parade, and creating smoking areas will never rid the parks of the typical clientele that visit from mid June through late August. Does that comment seem harsh? Sure, but admit it........it's true.


Six Flags will remain "ghetto" for many simple reasons. Location, price, and carnival atmosphere. It's no secret that most of the visitors to many of the Six Flags parks aren't about to pack up the family station wagon for a trip to Orlando. Why is that? Well, most of it's obvious, but a lot of it still has to do with the admission being cheap. Internet purchasing and/or a mulititude of local coupon options keeps the price reasonable. Finally, as long as you can pay $5 to spray a stream of water into a clown's mouth to win your trailer trash girlfriend a five foot tall stuffed animal (or a basketball to annoy every other guest in the park with), Six Flags will never truly eliminate the guests Shapiro wishes he could.


Sorry, Mark. Valiant effort, but I've officially given up on your hope to transform a chain into "family friendly." In fact, I feel stupid for believing it may actually have been possible. Oh well.

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That's awesome! Family friendly all the way!


Our visit to SFMM was interesting tonight, but not 'driveby' interesting.


You're terrible!


I would've freaked out if I saw all that blood. I hope that person(s) is okay.

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All parks should have a walk through metal-detector and ask everyone to empty their pockets before they are allowed into the park.


if someone looks like they are drunk they not be allowed in.


As for drive-by shootings, its a shame someone or a gang has to do this to other people, most of the time its money or drug related.

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^ SFOG does have metal detectors. But they can't control what happens outside their gates.


It's sad but this is not the first violence at the park.


They had gang fights there 2 years ago at Halloween.


I just love what Shapiro has done for the place. j/k

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All parks should have a walk through metal-detector and ask everyone to empty their pockets before they are allowed into the park.


Why not just put metal detectors outside every single house in the world to make sure that no one brings anything dangerous with them?

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One quick question.....where was the Justice League when all of this was going down? So much for "heightened security." You'd think a park full of superheroes would be a bit safer.


You know guys in spandex are going to duck and run for cover when there are bullets flying. lol


Plus they don't have Superman, he's the bulletproof one. lol

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Ok thats freaking crazy, I was at the park as well. When my GF and I walked out the gates, she was the one that pointed it out to me,look at all the Police,FM,EMT....We didn't know what was going on but this did answer our question. I wish people would stop shooting, killing everyone cause your a thug. Thug this!!!!!Shooting someone doesn't make you hard, it makes you a wuss! If you can't fight with your hands,but your ready to cap someone,your a wuss and you deserve everything coming to you! Karma is a bitch, and it will get you big time!....Sorry guys just a little rant, it makes me mad when crap like this happens......Looks like SFOG will be having some beef'd up secuity now.

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And to top it all off,the dumb ass missed his target but yet lets hit some innocent people instead. what a tool.....I think if you shoot someone and they catch you for what you did to that person or persons...they get to do the same to you....eye for an eye!

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One way to stop this at SFOG is to make the parking entrance before the actual park, not next to it. Nobody in da h00d is gonna pay $15 just so they can do a drive-by.


Of course, in this incident, maybe they should also make sure there are no guns in the people's cars. How they'll do that, beats me...maybe better gun laws, or like others said, death penalty if you shoot someone. Pretty pathetic, those must have been some harsh words for the guy to have to resolve the situation with bullets...and then miss his target. Genius!

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One way to stop this at SFOG is to make the parking entrance before the actual park, not next to it.

Pretty pathetic, those must have been some harsh words for the guy to have to resolve the situation with bullets...and then miss his target. Genius!


I'm not sure they've got the room to do it. I'm trying to picture it in my mind. If they even tried to, they'd have to cram it in, and that would only lead to a backup coming from the off ramp of the highway. Help me out on that one, Joe. And really, even if they did, nature would somehow find a way to still screw things up, ya know?


As for the words exchanged.....I'd be willing to bet someone's momma may have figured prominantly in the shootout. Either that, or maybe it was just a staged protest for the lack of a Sally dark ride in the park?

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Hmm, was it my imagination or did I read a report from the 6F website that they were "beefing up security" at all of our parks? Or, was that another way to introduce the DC comic super-heroes?..lol


Ok. I got that out of the way. While the situation is unfortunate I only hope that the 'innocent' victims were not seriously injured. It's hard to fathom why these incidents keep recurring. Either the park security is really deficient in their training programs, or as Shapiro put it-"we need more (qualified) staff." This is not good publicity for a themepark chain trying to boost its image as a "family-oriented" park. Nice comments on some of the posts (I love the ones about people 'dying to get in our parks' and the one 'people dying to leave our parks'. Classic!


Another link to the incident: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/9468509/detail.html

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We can all learn from our buddies at Disney on this one. They don't seem to have this problem. But they have a lot more of these ---> $$$ buddies to help them out.


I've always been for a parking lot "away" from the park (like a mile or two) and then some kind of constantly running transportation service to get from parking lot to park. They don't all have to install monorails as the costs are probably out of the range of projected future budgets for Six Flags parks.


Hell, bring the people in on horse and buggy from the parking lot to the park for all I care. If it helps incidents like these from happening then it's worth it. The kids would love that anyway.


Plus you could expand and build rides in the now vacant immediate to the park parking lots.

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I have to say that I have experienced stuff like this away from Six Flags parks, allow I'm not trying to discount the fact that the parks are and always will be ghetto, I'm just trying to give them a fair shot. About 10 years ago I was a witness to a huge gang fight in the parking lot of Dorney Park. There were 3 gangs, and a total of 75 homies in all. Knives and I'm sure some guns were flashed. Of course, this was a time that there was a mass infiltration of people from the city into the Allentown area, so things were starting to get pretty bad around Allentown, Bethlehem and Dorneyville's surrounding areas. I'm not sure what happened as we were smart and got the hell out of there, but it was a bad situation.


The incident yesterday in line at Great Adventure was just old school Great Adventure to me, with fighting and verbal slurs all the way around, all the while with House of Pain bumping the speakers. I guess the place really will never change. Last year was so much better though.

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I was walking out of SFOG last April to my car and these two girls got in a major fight. Both were on the pavement yanking at each others hair.


I got the heck out of there for fear one of them would pull a gun or something. lol

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That's awesome! Family friendly all the way!


Our visit to SFMM was interesting tonight, but not 'driveby' interesting.


But according to most enthusiast and especially those at that horrible site which names ends with an uzz this only happens at SFMM and like on a daily bases


Anyways I hope there wasn't any innocent bystanders and if so my prayers go out to them. It's sad when you can't even go out and have fun without fear some idiot is packing a gun and feels trigger happy


So now is Shapiro going to lable SFOG a thrill park low life teenage hangout and put it up for sale also? I've heard the real estate is pretty hot in that area too and they just built a brand new rollercoaster this all fits perfectly...sure Shapiro didn't set this up lol

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