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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Aren't there some benefits that can only be used at the "home" park?


I don't think so. Maybe if you want a dining plan for only your home park it might be an issue (maybe?) but otherwise I can't imagine there being any issues.


May have been the bring a friend discounts, which I intended to use. But there was some reason I needed to switch.


I also noticed the prices vary across parks.

Memberships at SFOG are cheaper than SFNE.

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I've been trying to two days now to get the website to load so I can buy a membership before the new year's deal expires, but nothing is working.


Seems to be working now.


I got to the checkout page to enter payment info. That was w/ Chrome on my phone.

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Holy crap, I figured it out. After trying every browser and phone and running through all the settings/adblocker options on each to figure out if something was blocking it, you know what the problem was? My internet provider apparently. I turned off wifi on my phone and it went through just fine.


I don't know why Cox internet would be blocking part of a six flags application, but there you have it in case anyone else is having a similar issue.

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So thanks to reading this thread I was able to make a purchase for hockey tickets online through a program called flash seats. I was trying to buy the tickets on my phone with data and it wouldn't work. I thought of this thread and turned WiFi on and boom! It worked.

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The website says opening weekend is March 9-10. I may be in the area the following week, but the website doesn’t show anything about the operating schedule. I’m assuming they’ll be open the next week, but if I buy a pass with the sale and they’re not open I’d be a bit boned. Can I rely on them being open?

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The website says opening weekend is March 9-10. I may be in the area the following week, but the website doesn’t show anything about the operating schedule. I’m assuming they’ll be open the next week, but if I buy a pass with the sale and they’re not open I’d be a bit boned. Can I rely on them being open?

Once opening weekend occurs they will be open all weekends after that. I have never known the park to open for the season and then skip weekend(s) after that unless, of course the weather man decides to interfere. The park will release the 2019 schedule soon. Since today was the last operating day of the 2018 season, it will generally take a few weeks to reset everything for the upcoming season.


If you visit in March, let me know and maybe we can meet up!

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The website says opening weekend is March 9-10. I may be in the area the following week, but the website doesn’t show anything about the operating schedule. I’m assuming they’ll be open the next week, but if I buy a pass with the sale and they’re not open I’d be a bit boned. Can I rely on them being open?

Once opening weekend occurs they will be open all weekends after that. I have never known the park to open for the season and then skip weekend(s) after that unless, of course the weather man decides to interfere. The park will release the 2019 schedule soon. Since today was the last operating day of the 2018 season, it will generally take a few weeks to reset everything for the upcoming season.


If you visit in March, let me know and maybe we can meet up!


Yeah - unless there is a freak snowstorm or monsoon - they'll be open every weekend until Spring Break (when they open all week.)


It's my home park and a great place- enjoy your visit!



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Made my final visit on the final day of the season yesterday. This was the first nice weather weekend in nearly a month and the crowds reflected it. Anyway...now that January 7th is here, it is Six Flags' New Year's Day! The 2019 season officially begins today, which may matter little here in GA but counts in the few SF parks that are year round, most notably the purple cups are now dead.


Anyway...looking forward to the new themed area - ScreamPunk District, as well as the new Giant Discovery. It will be interesting to see the progress made when the park reopens. Only 8 closed weekends between now and opening day!


Could this be the last time we see this sign? It is in rough shape, and the area might become Screampunk District....


Anyone care to guess where in the park this creepy light fixture is located?


One last look...it was a great Holiday in the Park season!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is the light fixture in the Crystal Pistol?


I can't remember seeing a fixture like that elsewhere -except maybe for the "old time" photo booth.



That creepy hand is located in Prominade Pizza. It is definitely one of the most bizarre fixtures I have seen.

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Am I dumb/crazy? (Well I am but still...) does this park not have June and July hours? On the site it jumps from May to August.

The park is still filling out the schedule. There will be June/July hours added as well as other deletions or corrections. Interestingly it appears Fright Fest will go through November 3rd this year with the park being OPEN the full week of Halloween. Hope this holds true. Meanwhile over at White Water the schedule remains blank.

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Am I dumb/crazy? (Well I am but still...) does this park not have June and July hours? On the site it jumps from May to August.

The park is still filling out the schedule. There will be June/July hours added as well as other deletions or corrections. Interestingly it appears Fright Fest will go through November 3rd this year with the park being OPEN the full week of Halloween. Hope this holds true. Meanwhile over at White Water the schedule remains blank.

That's what I figured but it was just odd to see esp since those are major park months. Well any idea on what crowds tend to be like on a Sunday in early june?


That is when I would most likely have to go, OR I noticed there's one random day in Oct (Monday the 7th) that has fairly full hours. Is this another example of the schedule not being done or is this a random day? If so, any idea why?

Its actually a pretty straightforward drive from Tallahassee to Atlanta, if I could go on a weekday in Oct I imagine crowds would be small and I dont have to fly. But only if its full operations of course

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Speaking of old Six Flags pictures, where is this in the layout of Dahlonega Mine Train? I've always seen that turning drop in old photos of the ride, but no matter how many times I ride it, it doesn't exist.

This is the helix after the second lift. It was re-profiled in the renovation by Hopkins. In fact directly after the second left there used to be a tunnel. (you can tell where it was top was removed and just retention walls left). after the tunnel you would slowly complete the turn to the left an then turn right, then make this steep sweeping drop and go over the the third lift which is actually the lift you see in this picture. Then on through the track house and down in the the final tunnel. Also the tree it old shot with the power box at the bottom is still there. See attached photo with slow helix. The view in the original promo video was from the top of the hill on the right of this photo, looking toward the third lift and track house. This was my favorite ride back in the 60's and 70's until Scream Machine and Mindbender. I still get a chill when I see photos of the old Horror House. LOL


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Well any idea on what crowds tend to be like on a Sunday in early june?


That is when I would most likely have to go, OR I noticed there's one random day in Oct (Monday the 7th) that has fairly full hours. Is this another example of the schedule not being done or is this a random day? If so, any idea why?

Its actually a pretty straightforward drive from Tallahassee to Atlanta, if I could go on a weekday in Oct I imagine crowds would be small and I dont have to fly. But only if its full operations of course

Once the school year ends, weekends in summer are fairly crowded - Sundays less so than Saturdays, but still busy. The October Monday date you mention is Columbus Day and since area schools are off, the park adds that day to the calendar. Be aware though that on this day the park may operate the rides only and not the usual Fright Fest activities. Still, with low attendance it is a great day to get your coaster credits!

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I'm hoping March 16-17 has decent weather. Looking to drive down from East TN. Looks like this would be a good time to visit between opening weekend and the school music competitions starting the following week.


First trip to an amusement park in 20+ years. Really excited to visit SFOG again and ride some new coasters.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you for posting the video here! I was sad I couldn’t go. I went last year and it was a great experience. I’m curious what the “breaking news” is but I guess I’ll have to wait and see!

While it is not surprising Panda Express is going away, they are making an interesting replacement: Strutters (will feature bone-in chicken wings - I am all for that!) while most other Panda replacements in the SF chain are "Chop Six". One must wonder if JD's Sports will change their menu a bit since seemingly two out of three food locations serve chicken. Also - excited to hear DeeJay's will be getting self-service soft drinks (Freestyle machines I assume). At any rate, we can all hope the food/bev experience is upgraded park wide. Kudos to the park for their planned upgrades to three of their establishments!


It sounds like a lot of good things are in the works, far beyond a new Giant Discovery. On March 9th we will discover...

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I was present at Winter Warm Up too, you know... got to meet the legend himself Dan Koch, saw Copperhead Strike up close, etc. etc. Also snagged free tickets with Flash Passes to Six Flags Fiesta Texas! Yay!


Also, about the “Breaking News”, don’t get yourselves too hyped up. I was sworn to secrecy, and all I can say is it’ll be a welcome announcement for Six Flags Over Georgia fanboys.

Edited by Kw6sTheatee
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most other Panda replacements in the SF chain are "Chop Six".

Is it "Chop Six" (which makes sense seeing it written) or "Chop Sticks"? The guy for Fiesta Texas seemed to say "Six" the first time but "Sticks" the second time.


excited to hear DeeJay's will be getting self-service soft drinks (Freestyle machines I assume).

Freestyle machines are dining establishment nightmares. They take a lot of maintenance and up-keep. Guests love them, though, so many places suffer through them.

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Is it "Chop Six" (which makes sense seeing it written) or "Chop Sticks"? The guy for Fiesta Texas seemed to say "Six" the first time but "Sticks" the second time.


Seems to be a play on words, and I can see them mistakenly saying sticks. That's the whole point of the play on words.


Expect it will mistakenly be called stick until they close/rename them.


Freestyle machines are dining establishment nightmares. They take a lot of maintenance and up-keep. Guests love them, though, so many places suffer through them.


I personally dislike them. I'd rather a traditional fountain with a decent selection.


It is a neat idea, but doesn't work.


Too many choices causes people to spend wat to much time. And a large number of the options are bad. Like the flavor ad-ins (cheery, grape, orange, etc) never seem to be the right mix. Normally to weak.


Maybe a limited version with the top 10-12 choices, all visible on the main screen.

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