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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.


So let me get this straight. The communications directer announces 300 extra feet of track. He says they are adding things to the layout. He then says two months later they are adding turns. There are marked small blocks of wood placed recently(I know this because they aren't painted but they would be if they were already there because they used paint sprayers which can't pain fine details). RMC always places ledgers on small wood blocks as the bolts don't come until hey are almost ready for testing. Tracks are placed on ledgers. I spot these blocks in images on this board on the structure of the third lap. I am now a troll for coming to the logical conclusion that there will be a third lap. That's about as illogical as it gets!


since there was a lot of information flying around saying that these mystery additions would add 300ft onto the ride length

300ft - 15ft for additional banking changes

285ft - 60ft in maneuver changes to add track to connect the airtime hill/turn to the helix


then we're left with 220ft of track left for the helix, that means that using the formula ((t/3.14=d)x6/5t)= helix, we can assume that said proposed helix would have a diameter of 70ft. This means that each 1/4 of the helix uses roughly 35ft of track to travel forward in the circle, and when we use the formula (220ft/4)-35ft, we are left with 35ft to adjust the angle of the turn (aka turning). Then after calculating the latitude based turns, we can figure out that to have a perfect circle, the train has to travel roughly 58ft to complete 1/4 of the helix. Therefore, based on the 232ft, which is over the projected 220ft added for the helix (but close enough), we can come to the conclusion that the width and "height" of the helix is roughly 2/3 the size of a baseball field, which is EXTREMELY small. Then, to go further, if we assume that the train is traveling 25mph throughout the helix, which is a fair assessment based off the animations, we can say for 25mph = 36 feet per second, meaning that 232ft/36ft= roughly 6.5. this means that if this hypothetical 220ft helix was added, it would add a mere 6.5 seconds onto the ride time, and that's not even adding in the extra speed gained from a coaster train which is much heavier than an everyday car used in the calculations. now let's ask ourselves, would six flags really invest all this extra money and time to add 6 seconds onto a ride that would not only kill the pacing, but increase maintenance, increase construction costs, push the construction deadline even further, and not provide anything to the ride experience. and that's not even including the fact that honestly, the attraction is stronger without it, and there's no marketability in having a helix vs. not having one. the answer to that is no. so therefore, you're wrong


You forgot to include the 30.ft reduction in height of the second turn. In fact, all of the structure (except the drop, break run, and station) has been lowered drastically. Using slope ( or half moon equation) we know these reductions in height should leave more than 150.ft, so you are wrong. Try again!


i'm not sure what you're trying to say here. if the coaster was 100ft long, it goes to 400ft (under the +300ft notion that has been widely discussed), if the coaster is 2400ft, it goes to 2700ft. SFOG announced a length that i don't even know, as it has no bearing on the case i just made. no matter the height, length, or ride time of the previously announced RMC, if the ride receives an additional helix like you're claiming, it will be roughly 232ft long and will add about 6.5 seconds to the ride time. have fun trolling


Instead of addressing the reductions in height, you repeat yourself and call me a troll. You are awfully salty for someone that is 30+ years old. Maybe you should how to practice constructing real arguments instead of calling anyone that disagrees with you a troll. You are exhibiting snowflake behavior.

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yeah. .


myself, I can just wait to ride the coaster, and enjoy it for what it is, and don't really care if the extra 300 ft is just for show and is track painted to look like a giant bun for the trains (rethemed to look like a Nathan's wiener) to glide into at the station. . when they announce the REAL theme to the coaster: coney island hot dogs.



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Lucid, while I really shouldn’t dignify that with a response because I think you might be trolling, just because there are preparations to add track on what used to be the third lap of the old ride does not mean that will be the third lap on the new ride. RMC makes changes like that to the original structure all the time in these conversions.


So let me get this straight. The communications directer announces 300 extra feet of track. He says they are adding things to the layout. He then says two months later they are adding turns. There are marked small blocks of wood placed recently(I know this because they aren't painted but they would be if they were already there because they used paint sprayers which can't pain fine details). RMC always places ledgers on small wood blocks as the bolts don't come until hey are almost ready for testing. Tracks are placed on ledgers. I spot these blocks in images on this board on the structure of the third lap. I am now a troll for coming to the logical conclusion that there will be a third lap. That's about as illogical as it gets!


since there was a lot of information flying around saying that these mystery additions would add 300ft onto the ride length

300ft - 15ft for additional banking changes

285ft - 60ft in maneuver changes to add track to connect the airtime hill/turn to the helix


then we're left with 220ft of track left for the helix, that means that using the formula ((t/3.14=d)x6/5t)= helix, we can assume that said proposed helix would have a diameter of 70ft. This means that each 1/4 of the helix uses roughly 35ft of track to travel forward in the circle, and when we use the formula (220ft/4)-35ft, we are left with 35ft to adjust the angle of the turn (aka turning). Then after calculating the latitude based turns, we can figure out that to have a perfect circle, the train has to travel roughly 58ft to complete 1/4 of the helix. Therefore, based on the 232ft, which is over the projected 220ft added for the helix (but close enough), we can come to the conclusion that the width and "height" of the helix is roughly 2/3 the size of a baseball field, which is EXTREMELY small. Then, to go further, if we assume that the train is traveling 25mph throughout the helix, which is a fair assessment based off the animations, we can say for 25mph = 36 feet per second, meaning that 232ft/36ft= roughly 6.5. this means that if this hypothetical 220ft helix was added, it would add a mere 6.5 seconds onto the ride time, and that's not even adding in the extra speed gained from a coaster train which is much heavier than an everyday car used in the calculations. now let's ask ourselves, would six flags really invest all this extra money and time to add 6 seconds onto a ride that would not only kill the pacing, but increase maintenance, increase construction costs, push the construction deadline even further, and not provide anything to the ride experience. and that's not even including the fact that honestly, the attraction is stronger without it, and there's no marketability in having a helix vs. not having one. the answer to that is no. so therefore, you're wrong


You forgot to include the 30.ft reduction in height of the second turn. In fact, all of the structure (except the drop, break run, and station) has been lowered drastically. Using slope ( or half moon equation) we know these reductions in height should leave more than 150.ft, so you are wrong. Try again!


i'm not sure what you're trying to say here. if the coaster was 100ft long, it goes to 400ft (under the +300ft notion that has been widely discussed), if the coaster is 2400ft, it goes to 2700ft. SFOG announced a length that i don't even know, as it has no bearing on the case i just made. no matter the height, length, or ride time of the previously announced RMC, if the ride receives an additional helix like you're claiming, it will be roughly 232ft long and will add about 6.5 seconds to the ride time. have fun trolling


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^ Yeah, when you start replying to the same post multiple times, that's trolling.


I can't wait til they finish installing the track and there's like an extra outward banked airtime hill and yall are all butthurt.

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guys, lets just stop feeding the troll. he obviously is trying to get to react to the ridicoulous thought that six flags would install a helix that would barely add 6 seconds onto the ride. lets just not respond to whatever ridicoulous comment he'll reply to this and we can all move on with our lives. i sent a PM to larry, so well let him handle it


now back onto our normally scheduled discussion, does anyone know if they've released any plans/concept art for the new area?? i'm interested in seeing if its a beach, a boardwalk, or both like magic mountain!!

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does anyone know if they've released any plans/concept art for the new area?? i'm interested in seeing if its a beach, a boardwalk, or both like magic mountain!!

They showed us some animations during the Winter Warm up event but I don’t think the park has released any renderings to the public.


In the video that was posted, Gene shows the renderings and discusses the other changes occuring to the area.

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guys, lets just stop feeding the troll. he obviously is trying to get to react to the ridicoulous thought that six flags would install a helix that would barely add 6 seconds onto the ride. lets just not respond to whatever ridicoulous comment he'll reply to this and we can all move on with our lives. i sent a PM to larry, so well let him handle it


now back onto our normally scheduled discussion, does anyone know if they've released any plans/concept art for the new area?? i'm interested in seeing if its a beach, a boardwalk, or both like magic mountain!!

I'm sorry. I never knew substantive debate wasn't allowed here. That pg 13 ratting seems a a bit overkill now. How about just pg. Whatever. I'll get the pics.

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guys, lets just stop feeding the troll. he obviously is trying to get to react to the ridicoulous thought that six flags would install a helix that would barely add 6 seconds onto the ride. lets just not respond to whatever ridicoulous comment he'll reply to this and we can all move on with our lives. i sent a PM to larry, so well let him handle it


now back onto our normally scheduled discussion, does anyone know if they've released any plans/concept art for the new area?? i'm interested in seeing if its a beach, a boardwalk, or both like magic mountain!!

I'm sorry I didn't back down. That's kind of what people in politics like me do. I guess you guys have established a monopoly over thought. Anyways I think you were looking for this.

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Can we all just agree on the fact that RMC has managed to do what no other manufacturer has EVER done and that was to produce a REVERSED COBRA ROLL!!?? I NEVER thought I would see anything like that and it looks so damn cool! RMC continues to amaze me at the shit they come up with.

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Can we all just agree on the fact that RMC has managed to do what no other manufacturer has EVER done and that was to produce a REVERSED COBRA ROLL!!?? I NEVER thought I would see anything like that and it looks so damn cool! RMC continues to amaze me at the shit they come up with.

Hopefully they don't go the B@M rout and start making force less coasters.

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Can we all just agree on the fact that RMC has managed to do what no other manufacturer has EVER done and that was to produce a REVERSED COBRA ROLL!!?? I NEVER thought I would see anything like that and it looks so damn cool! RMC continues to amaze me at the shit they come up with.

Hopefully they don't go the B@M rout and start making force less coasters.


LOL! I hope they know better than to stoop that low. I think they do care about their reputation haha.

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Can we all just agree on the fact that RMC has managed to do what no other manufacturer has EVER done and that was to produce a REVERSED COBRA ROLL!!?? I NEVER thought I would see anything like that and it looks so damn cool! RMC continues to amaze me at the shit they come up with.

Hopefully they don't go the B@M rout and start making force less coasters.


LOL! I hope they know better than to stoop that low. I think they do care about their reputation haha.

We thought the same about B@M. WE were wrong. Oopseeeee!

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I like B&M. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, as they're usually pretty popular rides. Not everything has to be balls to the wall.


Let me learn you something, Junior... Most modern B&M coasters don't share the same bat shit crazy layouts of RMC or some of the forces of Intamin rides, but they're hardly forceless. I know it's a tired debate, but there's something to be said about their reliability, comfort, ability for the average person to re-ride, and aesthetically pleasing structures. Parks seem to love them as well. Fury, Banshee, Diamondback, Afterburn, and the B:TR clones are among my favorite rides.


I'm not sure how you can say that you thought the same about B&M staying consistent with their old aggressive layouts, since I'm pretty sure you were still pissing your pants around the time that they made the transition to less aggressive rides. Just take it down a notch, man.

Edited by prozach626
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Can we all just agree on the fact that RMC has managed to do what no other manufacturer has EVER done and that was to produce a REVERSED COBRA ROLL!!?? I NEVER thought I would see anything like that and it looks so damn cool! RMC continues to amaze me at the shit they come up with.

Hopefully they don't go the B@M rout and start making force less coasters.


LOL! I hope they know better than to stoop that low. I think they do care about their reputation haha.

We thought the same about B@M. WE were wrong. Oopseeeee!


Just curious, how many of these "forceless" B&Ms have you actually ridden?

I like B&M. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, as they're usually pretty popular rides. Not everything has to be balls to the wall.


Let me learn you something, Junior... Most modern B&M coasters don't share the same bat shit crazy layouts of RMC or some of the forces of Intamin rides, but they're hardly forceless. I know it's a tired debate, but there's something to be said about their reliability, comfort, ability for the average person to re-ride, and aesthetically pleasing structures. Parks seem to love them as well. Fury, Banshee, Diamondback, Afterburn, and the B:TR clones are among my favorite rides.


I'm not sure how you can say that you thought the same about B&M staying consistent with their old aggressive layouts, since I'm pretty sure you were still pissing your pants around the time that they made the transition to less aggressive rides.


Seriously, I love B&M coasters, sure many of them aren't the bat shit crazy rides enthusiasts want them to be but 99% of B&Ms (f*** you Vortex at Carowinds) are just plain fun. Im willing to bet many of the B&Ms built in the mid 2000s will be more more forceful than Twisted Cyclone, I can't imagine this RMC having greater forces than say Behemoth, Banshee, or Fury. Hell, I found those three coasters to be miles better than Wicked Cyclone or even Storm Chaser.

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I like B&M. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, as they're usually pretty popular rides. Not everything has to be balls to the wall.


Let me learn you something, Junior... Most modern B&M coasters don't share the same bat shit crazy layouts of RMC or some of the forces of Intamin rides, but they're hardly forceless. I know it's a tired debate, but there's something to be said about their reliability, comfort, ability for the average person to re-ride, and aesthetically pleasing structures. Parks seem to love them as well. Fury, Banshee, Diamondback, Afterburn, and the B:TR clones are among my favorite rides.


I'm not sure how you can say that you thought the same about B&M staying consistent with their old aggressive layouts, since I'm pretty sure you were still pissing your pants around the time that they made the transition to less aggressive rides. Just take it down a notch, man.

Last time I got into a debate on this thread, I got called a troll.

Anyways the only really forcefully b@m I've bee on is the batman clones. I've grayed out on them. Both Goliath hypers are great(sfog and la ronde) but aint really very forceful. Still haven't been on nitro, but with my experience the company everyone used to love so much more is just "eh" now.

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