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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I don't "think". It's a definite that no matter WHAT we get, it won't be an intamin coaster. The safety record of Intamin of late really REALLY bothers the general manager. She ain't having it... which kinda sucks. They have some really great products I think could fit in oG's landscape very nicely. One would be ripping out that dumb ol' Arrow "Shoot the Chutes" and sneaking an Impulse in there. Oh well. If it IS the hyper we've needed for so long, it won't hurt my feelings to get a people munching B&M. Apollo's is in my top 5 anyway.

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Yippe. Yippe. Another parachute going down the drain.

I M Happy 2 C that SFOG is getting a Hyper coaster. But I M dissapointed with them for taking out the Great Gasp. SFOG is starting to remind me of Knotts.

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No I haven't been 2 SFOG. I know that SFOG is SO not poor operated as Knotts, but they have something in commom now, They both Tore down their Parachute Jump which angers me

Kevin"I'd rather B at SFOG than Knotts Anyday"

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I too do not like the thought of the Great Gasp being torn down.


It's like PKD or PKI ripping out their Eiffel Towers. It's such an icon at SFOG and I'd hate to see it bite the dust.


Plus I have a really bad memory of crying because I couldn't ride it when I was 5. Oh wait, maybe this isn't such a bad thing. Just kidding


I'm glad I rode both rides this spring!!!

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Does anyone know what section of the park the station is going in and what it will be themed around, or guess what it will be themed around? I think I remember someone saying that we might get a hypercoaster in the Metropolis section themed around a character from Superman, but the footers on the map clearly do not go into that section, or Cottenstates or anything around there.

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This is Great News for me, since I live just 4 hours from SFOG! I am planning to go back in August, and I'm hoping the ride will be completed and running by then (extremely unlikely .)


I'm going to SFOG in August. I'm about 2.5 hours away.


lol, extremely unlikely is putting it likely. It should be up next season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its confirmed.


When I was at the park the other day I was looking around at all the spray paint markings and what not, and noticed that the PR guy, the woman with the red hair, and one other guy (all of them are pretty important) were walking toward where I was. When they saw that I was looking at the markings I looked at them very glaringly and then back at the markings, back at them, then back at the markings. They started laughing and I walked up to them and was like "sooo wanna give me some info?" and I could tell the PR guy was all uncomfortable and stuff. I then said, "it's a B&M hyper isn't it?" and instantly they all looked at each other really fast and the red haired lady mouthed "he's good".


So yeah, it's confirmed.


But then again that could have been to throw me off, but I doubt it.

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Its confirmed.


When I was at the park the other day I was looking around at all the spray paint markings and what not, and noticed that the PR guy, the woman with the red hair, and one other guy (all of them are pretty important) were walking toward where I was. When they saw that I was looking at the markings I looked at them very glaringly and then back at the markings, back at them, then back at the markings. They started laughing and I walked up to them and was like "sooo wanna give me some info?" and I could tell the PR guy was all uncomfortable and stuff. I then said, "it's a B&M hyper isn't it?" and instantly they all looked at each other really fast and the red haired lady mouthed "he's good".


So yeah, it's confirmed.


But then again that could have been to throw me off, but I doubt it.


Let the Road Trip planning begin!!!!


If this turns out to be true I'm already planning on renewing my Six Flags pass next year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone who apparently has seen the model of the ride provided this information...


B&M Hyper


235 ft drop, into a tunnel below road


Blue, silver, red, white


Sunken station in USA section




10 drops


What's a sunken station. I'm guessing it's a station that's sunk...but I don't really understand. Are there any other rides with this so called sunken station?

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I'm assuming it means the station will be burrowed/sunken below ground level... As for other coasters with sunken stations, I suppose Nemesis at Alton Towers qualifies as having a sunken station. Heck, almost the entire coaster qualifies, if my interpretation is correct...


Because of the elevation difference between a sunken station in the USA section to the tunnel at the end of the first drop, a 200 ft. lift hill (from ground level) will be able to have a 235+ drop... At least that's the claim...

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Is SFoG really the best place to be building a 'sunken station'. It seems like every time they get more than a few inches of rain the place floods pretty severly!


Elissa "maybe they're going for the first Hyper Water Coaster!" Alvey

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