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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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If I can honestly state my opinion here for a second, this ride doesn't really captivate my interest much as I know it'll just be another typical SF coaster.

Last time i checked sixflags parks are home to some badass rides.


Today i went to the park and took around 50 pics. They were adding the first peice of the horshoe while i was there.


Beginning of horseshoe.


look at the height difference between the 3rd and the 4th. Can anyone say airtime.


Track scattered all over the entrance drive today.


Batman Paint Job? There were men working around it earlier but didnt get a pic.

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... which means...?


...it doesn't look any different than past B&M hypercoasters for Six Flags.


6 Flags IS home to a lot of bad ass rides, but this one doesnt really brag my interests as being one that stands out. Don't get me wrong, it looks fun...but I don't get that urge. It's my opinion....so you guys have fun!

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it could of been a lil higher

uh-huh. Sorry, that is incorrect.


it will be fun but its not gone to realy thrill u like the other 2

What is thrilling to you?


anyways since I'm too damn lazy to do an update for my site I just smugmug'd my few pics today - sorry for the quality, I was in a hurry:

Edited by ParkTrips
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why is that incorrect and thrilling to me is a steep drop and if u seen the drop on goliath at sfmm and titan at sfot you would see they are both steeper then the one they are building now


Why is that incorrect? What's thrilling to me is a steep drop. If you've seen the drop on Goliath at SFMM and Titan at SFOT, you would see they are both steeper than the one they are building now.


Mod Edit: Please remember to use proper spelling and grammar, as stated in the TOS. Thanks!

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3. SPELL CHECK YOUR POSTS!!!! There is a completely FREE spell checker available with the Google toolbar. A typo here and there is completely acceptable. We all are guilty of this. But when someone can't READ your post due to bad spelling, grammar, lack of capitalization, etc, that's a problem. If you aren't a good speller (and I totally admit I would be lost without my spellchecker) download it now: http://toolbar.google.com/


You've been warned.

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Haha, luckily I was home schooled But I completely agree, some people really need to go back to typing class. I think it's much easier spelling out "One" than going up and hitting the number. Oh well, the world is doomed with education.


Anyway, back on topic. I think Goliath looks amazing, maybe even better than the SFMM and SFOT ones. If SFOG runs it correctly (Without trims) then it should be Airtime Heaven! I can only hope I'll be able to get up there this summer.

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Some people just need to go back to elementary school....period... Yea, this Goliath does look really good, I'm going to SFOG sometime in March and then the first week in April sometime to ride it...can't wait!


SFoG's opening day is April 1st. I wouldn't suggest a trip before that unless you're goin to Media Day.

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SFoG's opening day is April 1st. I wouldn't suggest a trip before that unless you're goin to Media Day.


Opening day for SFoG is Saturday, March 4. SFoG will be open every weekend starting March 4 through May 26 when daily operation begins. SFoG will also be open daily from April 1-9 for Spring Break.

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It's going up fast! I think the horseshoe is almost complete. It's a shame the Gasp left. Ninja could have lef instead. That would be neat just zooming over the water. It could also have interacted with GASM. This is the 3rd time a unique ride left the park. First Z-Force, then Viper, now the Gasp. It looks like Goliath will have PLENTY of airtime . It stinks knowing that I will never be able to ride the Gasp again. It is also sad to know that the Gasp will be used as scrap metal instead of being relocated. One concerne I have about Goliath is the restraints. What is the maximum weight the restraints can hold? I have a friend who is 271 pounds and wants to ride. I hope it's not like Intamin's T-bar restraints. If so, it will be another ride in which overweight people can't ride.

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This is the 3rd time a unique ride left the park. First Z-Force, then Viper, now the Gasp.


Ok, I'll give Z-Force .. but how are the other two unqiue? There are still several Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loops running and were more prior. There are also several INTAMIN Parachutes still running and have been several more ahead of this time.


The chutes will live on at SFOT tho .. if they get around to installing the new ones.

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