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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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is it me but are those nets pointless. Listen...if the train is moving at very high speeds and something flys out of my pocket...it isnt gonna go straight down in the nets its gonna go straight up in the air and probably not even get remotely to the net. I think its just there so the people on the ground can feel "safer".


Jarvis "top gun @ PCar has only one net and the whole coaster is basically built over people!" MOrant

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Well, anything looks big when it's going out of the park like that. Sure, it is big, but they are definitely using the "out of the park" trick to enhance it a lot. The lift hill facing the road, the largest feature other than the lift on the other side of the road, it's all very intimidating.

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The drop looks like it will have some amasing airtime. I don't know about the second and third hills. They just may pull some ejector air but I doubt it. That turn looks like it will pull some massive Gs between the second and third hill. I too think the nets look kind of cool.

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Coastercrazy, what time were you there on Tuesday? I was there the SAME exact day and took a bunch of pictures as well. I was travelling by car back from Orlando to Ohio. I think we were there at about 1PM. Did you see any crazy enthusiasts running around with cameras? It's incredible how this ride dominates the skyline. I like what I'm seeing so far. I can't wait for the coaster event in April.

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Coastercrazy, what time were you there on Tuesday?


If I remember correctly I was there around 10:00 am!


The helix should be going up VERY fast....It looked like they had all of the supports on the grounf ready to go.


I will be taking more pictures as soon as the helix is almost finished.

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Wow Coastercrazy, I just missed you then! We had to drive all the way back to Akron, OH. It was a terrible drive and it didn't help that we were screwing around in front of a closed park. The last pic I have is of the footers where the helix will be. I can't wait for this coaster!! Anyone else going to the event in April?

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