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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Okay first off, this isnt going to be the smallest B&M Hyper to be built, La Ronde's is going to be 175 feet tall. And Goliath at SFOG is standing a whopping 2 feet, a whole 24 inches, shorter than Raging Bull and it's first drop is only a foot shorter than La Ronde's Goliath. I'm sure that it will employ the "fence guard" over the areas where pedestrians will be standing/driving under the ride much like whats around SheiKra's break runs and around the turn before the holding break.


And another thing: This year at Coaster Con I rode Raging Bull about 40 times in two days due to ERT. On one of my rides, they trim on the camelback never touched the train AT ALL. Now it may suprise you or defy phisics, but I felt LESS airtime with the trim off then I did while it was on. I was sitting in row 8 during this ride, and for the next ride as well in the same seat and that time the trim hit us. So granted that the trim makes you feel like your getting less airtime, but its generating some pretty massive floaters on those types of hill.


Colin C

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