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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

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Havoc to Begin as BATMAN: The Ride Turns BACKWARDS


Six Flags Over Georgia Debuts Thrilling New Experience for Park Opening


AUSTELL, Ga. — January 23, 2015 — Chaos, mischief and havoc will unfold at Six Flags Over Georgia, as the park announces BATMANTM: The Ride BACKWARDS. This limited-time only, all-new ride experience will debut on Opening Day, March 14, 2015.


“We are excited to offer our guests an incredible and gravity-defying ride on one of the park’s most popular attractions,” said Six Flags Atlanta Properties park president Dale Kaetzel. “This twist is the first of several new experiences coming this season to Gotham City.”


BATMANTM: The Ride, inspired by DC Comic’s iconic Super Hero, opened at Six Flags Over Georgia in 1997 and has given more than 16 million thrilling rides. Now, guests will face an entirely new adrenaline rush featuring:


- A blood-pumping reverse view as the coaster towers up the 10-story lift hill BACKWARDS;

- Hair-raising speeds of 50 miles per hour BACKWARDS;

- A staggering 2,700 feet of track BACKWARDS;

- Daunting maneuvers through a daunting zero-gravity roll, corkscrew turns and vertical loops BACKWARDS.


Later this spring, Six Flags Over Georgia will unveil two new devious attractions in Gotham City, featuring the DC Comics Super-Villains The Joker and Harley Quinn:


THE JOKER Chaos Coaster – Face off with 23 other riders, rocketing seven stories in the air, soaring through a bedlam of loops, suspended upside-down for a ravaging thrill;


Harley Quinn Spinsanity – Experience the thrill of spinning, twisting and rolling through a cycle of classic family fun.


Six Flags Over Georgia will open for the 2015 season on March 14 and operate on weekends through May 17. The park will be open daily for Spring Break from April 4-12. Daily park summer operation begins Memorial Day weekend.


Season Passes are now on sale for as low as $59.99 with the purchase of a four-pack or more. For more information, visit http://www.sixflags.com/overgeorgia for pricing and hours of operation.

Edited by robbalvey
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I hope this means Gadv may be getting Namtab for the second half of the year then? lol


Makes sense SFOG is getting it first since their Super Loop is going in their Gotham City area, and will attract more people to the area.

Edited by boldikus
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Don't know if the other new attractions will be open by Easter, but I look forward to giving this a try (kind of.) The downside is, if I hate it backwards, one of my favorite rides in the park is kind of out for me. The upside is - Mindbender is right next to it!!!

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I probably won't try it. I don't handle riding backwards very well. Every time I ride Invertigo at Kings Island for example, I get super dizzy and pretty nauseous, never to the point of puking, but still feeling pretty bad. You can catch me marathoning Mind Bender like always.

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Finally, a reason for me to get back to SFOG. I'm looking forward (I mean backward) to riding my first namtaB. I'll probably just ride it once, though, and then go back to riding Mindbender, Goliath, and Acro as many times as possible.

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Havoc to Begin as BATMAN: The Ride Turns BACKWARDS


Six Flags Over Georgia Debuts Thrilling New Experience for Park Opening


AUSTELL, Ga. — January 23, 2015 — Chaos, mischief and havoc will unfold at Six Flags Over Georgia, as the park announces BATMANTM: The Ride BACKWARDS. This limited-time only, all-new ride experience will debut on Opening Day, March 14, 2015.


“We are excited to offer our guests an incredible and gravity-defying ride on one of the park’s most popular attractions,” said Six Flags Atlanta Properties park president Dale Kaetzel. “This twist is the first of several new experiences coming this season to Gotham City.”


BATMANTM: The Ride, inspired by DC Comic’s iconic Super Hero, opened at Six Flags Over Georgia in 1997 and has given more than 16 million thrilling rides. Now, guests will face an entirely new adrenaline rush featuring:


- A blood-pumping reverse view as the coaster towers up the 10-story lift hill BACKWARDS;

- Hair-raising speeds of 50 miles per hour BACKWARDS;

- A staggering 2,700 feet of track BACKWARDS;

- Daunting maneuvers through a daunting zero-gravity roll, corkscrew turns and vertical loops BACKWARDS.


Later this spring, Six Flags Over Georgia will unveil two new devious attractions in Gotham City, featuring the DC Comics Super-Villains The Joker and Harley Quinn:


THE JOKER Chaos Coaster – Face off with 23 other riders, rocketing seven stories in the air, soaring through a bedlam of loops, suspended upside-down for a ravaging thrill;


Harley Quinn Spinsanity – Experience the thrill of spinning, twisting and rolling through a cycle of classic family fun.


Six Flags Over Georgia will open for the 2015 season on March 14 and operate on weekends through May 17. The park will be open daily for Spring Break from April 4-12. Daily park summer operation begins Memorial Day weekend.


Season Passes are now on sale for as low as $59.99 with the purchase of a four-pack or more. For more information, visit http://www.sixflags.com/overgeorgia for pricing and hours of operation.



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Although that sounds cool, haven't they already RMC Topper Tracked about 2/3 of it. If so, I don't see it being converted - which is fine. When it isn't trying to shake the teeth out of your body, Georgia Cyclone is a pretty fantastic ride with some great airtime.

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Although that sounds cool, haven't they already RMC Topper Tracked about 2/3 of it. If so, I don't see it being converted - which is fine. When it isn't trying to shake the teeth out of your body, Georgia Cyclone is a pretty fantastic ride with some great airtime.

I think it was the first hill and the turnaround that got topper track.

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2/3? Correct me if I am wrong but In videos that I have seen it only looks like the first and second hills were topper tracked. Maybe a few other smaller sections. But RMC put topper track on both Rattler and Cyclone before they were Iron Horse'd so I would think it is a pretty good possibility. If there are any weird markers or anything going on there next year, it is a giveaway.


The layout doesn't look that impressive for an RMC, but it could be like Cyclone at SFNE. I thought the design wouldn't be that cool but it is totally different and looks awesome.


And with 3 RMCs coming in 2016 (one announced), my guess is either 2 new Iron Horse coasters or 1 and 1 free spin.

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I really really really hope they don't Iron Horse GA Cyclone. It went from being one of my least favorite coasters ever to one I thoroughly enjoy, especially in the 2nd to last row. All they need to do is maintain it and continue to topper track bits here and there as needed.


I would much rather the park did something to GASM. It has to be one of the least interesting wooden coasters ever built. It has no significant positive or negative G's in any seat, doesn't have good pacing, and isn't rickety in that good 'out-of-control' kind of way that some older woodies are. And then the obnoxious abrupt stop at the end is just brutal.


Iron Horsing it wouldn't really be all that interesting unless they added a bunch to it, but then it wouldn't really be anything remotely resembling the original anymore. If they just tore it down and built a new RMC woodie back there, there would be plenty of room to make it epic.


Heck, have you seen the plot of land that GASM takes up?? If there were no height restrictions, they could fit a whole giga coaster back there, no problem!

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Did SF release the video to TPR? I've noticed two coasters that don't belong at SFOG in the background.


It was recorded at SFMM, and you saw Green Lantern and Superman: Escape from Krypton. They did it because SFOG never recorded a POV themselves, so they used SFMM's.


Oh I thought MM shipped Riddler's Revenge, Green Lantern, and Superman out to Georgia.



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Although that sounds cool, haven't they already RMC Topper Tracked about 2/3 of it. If so, I don't see it being converted - which is fine. When it isn't trying to shake the teeth out of your body, Georgia Cyclone is a pretty fantastic ride with some great airtime.

I think it was the first hill and the turnaround that got topper track.


That is correct. The first two drops have been topper tracked for, I believe, the last two seasons now. Drops 3 and 4 simply got new wood for the 2014 season. The net result was a very improved GA Cyclone in 2014 that was actually pretty enjoyable, especially during the first half of the ride.


Personally, I would prefer to see SFOG maintain GA Cyclone, rather than giving it the Iron Horse treatment, and to their credit, they’ve done a pretty good job of that the last couple of seasons. That said, SF hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down with the conversions and currently the southeast is still lacking an RMC. So it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see them go that route. As added evidence for something big like an RMC Cyclone conversion, 2016 nicely coincides with five years since our last coaster addition and the year before the park’s 50th anniversary in 2017.


I would much rather the park did something to GASM. It has to be one of the least interesting wooden coasters ever built. It has no significant positive or negative G's in any seat, doesn't have good pacing, and isn't rickety in that good 'out-of-control' kind of way that some older woodies are. And then the obnoxious abrupt stop at the end is just brutal.


Iron Horsing it wouldn't really be all that interesting unless they added a bunch to it, but then it wouldn't really be anything remotely resembling the original anymore. If they just tore it down and built a new RMC woodie back there, there would be plenty of room to make it epic.

I understand your sentiment that GASM is rather uninteresting by modern standards, but it was designed in a completely different era with completely different expectations. As it stands, I don’t think the layout affords enough variety to make an interesting RMC conversion either. Consequently, I would assume that it will continue serving the park best as a classic ride and perhaps a first “big” ride for the kids.


As an aside though, I did have the thought that with the addition of HH last year, I’m sure there were also necessary infrastructure upgrades to the back of the park. Perhaps those presumed upgrades to things like water and electrical systems could play into the addition of a launched coaster in the future. Sort of like how Holiday World quietly added a power substation for Thunderbird across the street well before we were aware of what was coming. Just a thought.

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Although that sounds cool, haven't they already RMC Topper Tracked about 2/3 of it. If so, I don't see it being converted - which is fine. When it isn't trying to shake the teeth out of your body, Georgia Cyclone is a pretty fantastic ride with some great airtime.

I think it was the first hill and the turnaround that got topper track.


That is correct. The first two drops have been topper tracked for, I believe, the last two seasons now. Drops 3 and 4 simply got new wood for the 2014 season. The net result was a very improved GA Cyclone in 2014 that was actually pretty enjoyable, especially during the first half of the ride.


Personally, I would prefer to see SFOG maintain GA Cyclone, rather than giving it the Iron Horse treatment, and to their credit, they’ve done a pretty good job of that the last couple of seasons. That said, SF hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down with the conversions and currently the southeast is still lacking an RMC. So it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see them go that route. As added evidence for something big like an RMC Cyclone conversion, 2016 nicely coincides with five years since our last coaster addition and the year before the park’s 50th anniversary in 2017.


I would much rather the park did something to GASM. It has to be one of the least interesting wooden coasters ever built. It has no significant positive or negative G's in any seat, doesn't have good pacing, and isn't rickety in that good 'out-of-control' kind of way that some older woodies are. And then the obnoxious abrupt stop at the end is just brutal.


Iron Horsing it wouldn't really be all that interesting unless they added a bunch to it, but then it wouldn't really be anything remotely resembling the original anymore. If they just tore it down and built a new RMC woodie back there, there would be plenty of room to make it epic.

I understand your sentiment that GASM is rather uninteresting by modern standards, but it was designed in a completely different era with completely different expectations. As it stands, I don’t think the layout affords enough variety to make an interesting RMC conversion either. Consequently, I would assume that it will continue serving the park best as a classic ride and perhaps a first “big” ride for the kids.


As an aside though, I did have the thought that with the addition of HH last year, I’m sure there were also necessary infrastructure upgrades to the back of the park. Perhaps those presumed upgrades to things like water and electrical systems could play into the addition of a launched coaster in the future. Sort of like how Holiday World quietly added a power substation for Thunderbird across the street well before we were aware of what was coming. Just a thought.

I think a launch coaster would round out the park's coaster selection nicely. I know we had Viper where Superman is now, but I think a large launched coaster by Premier somewhere would be nice. Either that or remove Ninja for a 4D Free Spin over the lake.

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I'm hoping that they revive the theming with the opening of namtaB The Ride lol. I wanna see a new police car and the mist in the station.


And GASM isn't going anywhere nor being retracked but it would be nice if they modified that brake run. Personally, I never understood the point behind it being so..... Strong? Idk.

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