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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Scorcher is quite underrated, and goodness does it need a new coat of point. She looks rough right now.


On the subject of Mindbender, I was at the park yesterday and to my surprise found that Mindbender was only running one train. Apparently the second train is receiving some serious maintenance or had an issue, because it was sitting in pieces behind the maintenance shed. All of the wheel assemblies were removed from the cars.


Nothing else to report really other than the addition of lots of Fright Fest promotional material and themeing just inside the front gate in the Promenade area, as well as some banners for Holiday in the Park.



How longs have the wait been on Mindbender?? It usually has one of the best crews, so only down to one train wouldn't be as bad as say Superman or Scorcher going down to one I imagine.

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I was there a few days ago when they were only running one train, and the train was flying out in about 40 seconds. The crew just wouldn't let the one train thing let the line move any slower then it ever did. It made what looked like a hour and a half line on a saturday in july a 30 minute line.

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Hey guys. We're going to the park for the first time on Labor Day Sunday. I imagine that's a pretty bad day to go. Can anyone give me some ideas on wait times? Any particular order I should plan to hit the rides if I want to arrive at opening (10:30)? Thanks!


Sundays are normally the best days to go but with it being Labor Day weekend, there is a chance for some lines. As far as ride planning I would head straight for Dare Devil Dive since its the youngest coaster in the park. After that head right over to Goliath (its in the same area so that works out). After Goliath, head to the rear of the park and hit up Superman because that line is always a pain, even on the lighter attendance days. After leaving Superman, head to GASM (if you like woodies). If you want the credit, I would then hit up Ninja but make sure you ride in the magic seat (rear car, first row). After that, hit up Scorcher and the Cyclone (again, if you like woodies). Then head on down to Gotham and hit up Batman and Mindbender.


As far a Mindbenders crew goes, believe it or not, the reason they are so fast is because they have to be (when there are two trains running). If the returning train gets stopped in the reduction brakes (right before the station), they have to call maintenance. For some reason the reduction brakes do not work as they should, and wont release the train even though the station is clear. It was the same way back in 2005 when I was a rides employee. I remember when I worked at the Mindbender for the first time... The lead told me to 'Haul A**' when it came to checking the lap bars. I didn't understand what he meant, until about mid-day when a guest wanted to de-board right before dispatch. It was then that I saw the reduction brake nightmare. LOL

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I don't think the mindbender thing happens everytime anymore BC I have seen the train stopped on the reduction brakes and they never called maintenance to get it working again


BUT the bug you speak of is still there. I was actually on it once when they had to call maintenance to get it going again. This was this season. They had to pull one train all the way into the garage, get the other one in the station and then get the other train out again! Took nearly 40 minutes

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^I have only been on 5 stand ups (Mantis, Scorcher, Shockwave, SkyRider and Vortex) and Scorcher was by far the best! I thought it was pretty comfortable too. I don't know if I would say it was better than Mindbender but I enjoyed it for sure.

That's why I still maintain that I would like to see a new B&M standup one day. It looks like as soon as they got it right parks stopped buying them.

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Hey guys. We're going to the park for the first time on Labor Day Sunday. I imagine that's a pretty bad day to go. Can anyone give me some ideas on wait times? Any particular order I should plan to hit the rides if I want to arrive at opening (10:30)? Thanks!


Sundays are normally the best days to go but with it being Labor Day weekend, there is a chance for some lines. As far as ride planning I would head straight for Dare Devil Dive since its the youngest coaster in the park. After that head right over to Goliath (its in the same area so that works out). After Goliath, head to the rear of the park and hit up Superman because that line is always a pain, even on the lighter attendance days. After leaving Superman, head to GASM (if you like woodies). If you want the credit, I would then hit up Ninja but make sure you ride in the magic seat (rear car, first row). After that, hit up Scorcher and the Cyclone (again, if you like woodies). Then head on down to Gotham and hit up Batman and Mindbender.


As far a Mindbenders crew goes, believe it or not, the reason they are so fast is because they have to be (when there are two trains running). If the returning train gets stopped in the reduction brakes (right before the station), they have to call maintenance. For some reason the reduction brakes do not work as they should, and wont release the train even though the station is clear. It was the same way back in 2005 when I was a rides employee. I remember when I worked at the Mindbender for the first time... The lead told me to 'Haul A**' when it came to checking the lap bars. I didn't understand what he meant, until about mid-day when a guest wanted to de-board right before dispatch. It was then that I saw the reduction brake nightmare. LOL


That is fascinating. Thanks for the insight!

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Hey guys. We're going to the park for the first time on Labor Day Sunday. I imagine that's a pretty bad day to go. Can anyone give me some ideas on wait times? Any particular order I should plan to hit the rides if I want to arrive at opening (10:30)? Thanks!


Sundays are normally the best days to go but with it being Labor Day weekend, there is a chance for some lines. As far as ride planning I would head straight for Dare Devil Dive since its the youngest coaster in the park. After that head right over to Goliath (its in the same area so that works out). After Goliath, head to the rear of the park and hit up Superman because that line is always a pain, even on the lighter attendance days. After leaving Superman, head to GASM (if you like woodies). If you want the credit, I would then hit up Ninja but make sure you ride in the magic seat (rear car, first row). After that, hit up Scorcher and the Cyclone (again, if you like woodies). Then head on down to Gotham and hit up Batman and Mindbender.


As far a Mindbenders crew goes, believe it or not, the reason they are so fast is because they have to be (when there are two trains running). If the returning train gets stopped in the reduction brakes (right before the station), they have to call maintenance. For some reason the reduction brakes do not work as they should, and wont release the train even though the station is clear. It was the same way back in 2005 when I was a rides employee. I remember when I worked at the Mindbender for the first time... The lead told me to 'Haul A**' when it came to checking the lap bars. I didn't understand what he meant, until about mid-day when a guest wanted to de-board right before dispatch. It was then that I saw the reduction brake nightmare. LOL

Wow, thank you so much!

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I really hope it is something other than a waterpark addition or another family area. I don't need a giga or megalite or anything, but something thrilling and fun. My reasons are purely selfish - as I dislike attached waterparks, and they took out one of the best flats ever (Wheelie) to put in a skyscreamer (which is terrifying, but still a swing.)

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I have a feeling we're gonna see a Premier launch coaster soon. Probably not next year though.

Issue with getting a launch coaster is that the power grid the park is onot can't support it. Unless something i changes, I can't see one coming which is a shame. I love launch coasters.

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I have a feeling we're gonna see a Premier launch coaster soon. Probably not next year though.

Issue with getting a launch coaster is that the power grid the park is onot can't support it. Unless something i changes, I can't see one coming which is a shame. I love launch coasters.

Couldn't they pull a Holiday World and an extra trabsformer on their property like with Thunderbird?

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Teaser video has no information at all unless those blueprints are "real"


If so, they look like they are for a building of some kind. Could be a rectangular pool as well so might be a slide splashdown. But! Could be a station!!


Very similar to Dollywood teaser last year when they announced a resort. They showed blueprints. Hotels aren't six flags thing though so probably not it.

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