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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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My check from work was bigger than expected, I received a generous check from IU giving me back some of my money, I bought my tickets to BGT, SeaWorld, IOA, and USF last night, and I got Animal House today. Now I'm getting ready to go out to eat to Texas Roadhouse with a gift card. Today has been a very good day.

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And with the above still in mind - BUMP-a-bumpDEbump.......


Just added two more Maleficent pins to my 'collection of Her that Is The Bad Faerie.'


It's more credit card money I don't need to spend. What-ever.



(Does the Happy Dance in his computer chair.....)

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I was at my bar last night - and discovered that they had replaced one of the (three) pinball machines with another one...


Theater of Magic!!!


OMG, I love playing this machine, especially when I found it in the states!


And last night I must have put nearly $20 into it, playing and playing and playing it.


Must - go - back - and - play - more...


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^^^Happy, Birthday!

Had a nice 8 hrs long day, at school today, we needed just to write 2 sentences and a few words down. Went to McDonalds. After that I got home with 'the fast' bus (read: bus from the 60's, filled with dust, bubblegum on the back of the seats, smell of vodka from a few drunkards), Anyhow a great day so far.

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Just got this (finally) at the door a few minutes ago....



Can't wait to give it a listen.


"Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.."


Mmm yes. A new chamber piece version of the Sondheim classic.

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Today, at drama, we found out that there will be one performance for the understudies. This is for Footloose, and I am the understudy to Ren, the lead!!!!!!!!!




(WhatNow, you better come to this performance)

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^Sorry to hear that. I once had a root canal, it sucked!!


Thanks for the sympathy.


Unfortunately, this has been my (I think - have actually lost count!) fourth root canal done? Over a period of several years, mind.


But still - sooooooooooo glad this pain is gone now. And just in time for another get-together with Ye Olde DenPAINtist in another week!



Oh darn - that's another thread.

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