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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pumpkin mochi ice cream sounds so heavenly...

I got a chance to visit Downtown Summerlin this weekend, and I'm satisfied! I'm so glad that there's finally something in that empty space between the Red Rock and Sahara Avenue. Now, I just need to wait for the new Ikea.

Edited by YoshiCraft2011
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Woo hoo! I know it's well in advance, but we just got our flight tix to Amsterdam and Paris for next fall!

(Bought with AirMiles and ca$h) So, we're pretty far ahead (knock wood) for the September trip. Got

Disney Paris room (Sequoia Lodge); where we're staying in Am'dam; the train info. between Am'dam and

Paris; the flight tix there and back.



EDIT to add: My only teensy rant is basically to myself, for not booking the flight (or planning

the trip) a week later, than what I have now. Could have saved a few thousand AirMiles, being the start

of the "off season" fares. Grrrrr.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

...we just got a new fresh monitor for my computer,

as the old one was about to become the Ghost of Christmas Past....



Talk about timing. Got a good deal on it, too.

F the Day After Sales!

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