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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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1) Going back to Japan with TPR and again having a wonderful awesome time.

(and even picked up a few more credits along the way, woo hoo!)


2) Living long enough to know about a (apparently) fantastic Broadway production

of the revival of (IMhO) Stephen Sondheim' masterwork musical, Follies.

It's as wonderful (I heard/read) as the original (1971!)and the the new 2 cd set

even has dialogue tracks to lead into numbers, exit them, etc. And of course,

full-out orchestrations of the Complete Numbers as performed onstage. Awesome!!!


3) I am still with a wonderful wonderful guy - in our 40th year together.

And the .... stuff .... I put him through....

Man, the dumb idiot still loves me, LOLOL!

Can't be better than that. And Follies too, lol.


Love you, David. And eventually,

we're doing Japan together with TPR!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had an online quiz due tomorrow, but I also have church and I am going to go see The Artist, and I didn't feel like rushing to take the quiz after the movie. So in a rare turn of events I neglected to procrastinate, and got that quiz out of the way. With that being said, bring on Sunday!


Edit: Also, I submitted my Mitch Hawker Ballot for the first time! Getting snowed in has turned out to be more productive than I thought.

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I'm excited, I am actually picking up on this unicycle I found at the second hand store. Slowly but surely, I'm getting better at staying on it (or keeping it under me). Of course, learning how to ride couldn't happen without documenting it so I can laugh at myself later


The best unicycle ride yet, the cure to the amusement park offseason!

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Have a great time at LB! We saw a tour here just a year ago - man time flies... - and it was great.

Hope it's a good production and you enjoy it all.


For myself - two weeks till I get to take a one-week trip

South of Ye Olde Bordere..... woo hoo!


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