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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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Melanie won the title of America's Favorite Dancer tonight,


on "So You Think You Can Dance", on Fox.


Brava Melanie! And Sacha and Tadd and Marko.


You were all wonderful this season.


It was one of the best ever.

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I'm having a nerdgasm right now! 57 hours til I leave for D23! It will only be for one day... but I am perfectly cool with that... and if it is awesome enough(and when I get a job) it may turn into a full 3 day weekend for me. I am also totally doing a photo TR... of which I only have one... but overall I'm CRAZY excited!

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Jumping for big time geek joy here! I recently got a copy of the Anime "Record of Lodoss War" from Amazon. They charged an ungodly amount of money for a new copy, but I saw a guy in Texas was selling a used copy (Very good condition, by the way) for only 25 bucks!

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There was a small earthquake here too just a few minutes ago. I didn't even know this area got earthquakes. I'm a little upset because I was trying to take a nap when all of a sudden my bed starts shaking and model cars start falling off the shelf. Now that it's over it was a cool experience.

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I'm in such a GREAT mood right now. I've had a bit of a stressful week with school starting and everything... but tomorrow I am getting my Disneyland pass renewed... and I am VERY happy about that. Disneyland is... as weird as it sounds... pretty much my second home... I go pretty much weekly or at least every other week. In other words I'm Brer Rabbit and Disneyland is my laughing place.

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Yay! TPR shirts came in today! I ordered the classic red and the "OMG orange" colors. To my surprise when I saw the yellow package was that there were both a Cedar Point park map and a Hershey Park map included. As simple as it was, it was a nice little surprise!


Now, I'm just waiting for my 'high-end' yoyo to come in...

Because of another metal yoyo I had that broke on me, Duncan (well known yoyo manufacturer) was kind enough after almost 3 months later to replace it for me.

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A guitar player that is one of the reasons I started playing, and that I have had a "guitar crush" on for 15 years, facebook chatted me earlier.


Welome back! Always makes me happy to see one of the older members who left come back and post again!

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While browsing around Kroger's frozen foods aisles, I came across the ice cream section. I hadn't had really good ice cream in a while, so I decided to treat myself to some Ben & Jerry's. I was trying to decide on a flavor, and in doing so, I found the most glorious flavor of ice cream I think I've ever seen, and now, tasted: Red Velvet Cake. If there are two things that just belong together, it's ice cream and cake. Red velvet cake is one of the best cakes ever, and putting the two into one container was the most brilliant thing ever.


My taste buds had an orgy, died, went to Heaven, and repeated that exact process seven or eight times. So good...

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