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SFNO/Jazzland Discussion Thread

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^I'd guess SFFT since it is basically the only park that seems to have a chance. Almost all other parks that would benefit from it have a B:TR or SLC.



SFGAM-B:TR/V2/Deja vu




SFMm-B:TR/Deja vu

SFoG-B:TR/Deja vu







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All I know is they signed a lease that says this:


Pursuant to this lease, the Industrial Development Board automatically acquires title to and becomes the owner of all rides, attractions and other leasehold improvements funded with our $25,000,000 investment or with other amounts we invest at the park, subject to all of the terms of the lease.


I'm going to see if I can find out more from the Industrial Development Board.


Airtime&Gravity - How would it make sense to move it to SFFT? Seaworld has a BTR clone right down the road.

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Why can't this ride go to a park that already has an SLC?


Think about it....it's not that much different then either Medusa at SFGadv or Scream at SFMM going in when they already had a sitdown 7-looping coaster......




Yeah, but there's a different selling point and enough differentiation between a 1989/1990's Arrow Looping coaster and a B&M Floorless coaster to warrant the idea of both in one park. The unique open-air coaches are different enough to set two multi-looping coasters apart. The parks market the rides not based around their 7 inversions, but emphasize their open Floorless coaches that provide a sense and feeling of being strapped in a "Flying Chair" --- gimmick or not, that's really marketable and distinct from a traditional sit-down looper.


But what would be the selling point of a Batman clone at a park that already has a Vekoma SLC? A B&M Inverted coaster and a Vekoma SLC are both feet-dangling suspended track coasters that go upside-down and have non-swinging coaches that are fixed rigidly to the chasis. Aside from row-per-row seating arrangements, both types are exactly the same type of ride with not even a difference or change significant enough to be marketed as something new. It would just be a pointless move, IMHO.


Even in the case of Six Flags Great America's Demon and ShockWave (both were Arrow looping coasters), ShockWave came more than a decade after Demon and was the world's biggest roller coaster upon opening. And aren't most SLC's taller than the Batman clones by a few feet?

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I think the only one that makes sense at the moment is Enchanted Village. Enchanted Village needs a new crowd drawer and B:TR would be a good choice for the park! Also, the Seattle/Vancover area lacks an inverted roller coaster, so I say Enchanted Village!


As much as I agree with you that Enchanted Village could use the ride, I just don't see anything big going in there given that the park is for sale.

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Maybe it's going to Georgia or one of the other parks with a normal, non-mirrored B:TR, to become the world's most ghetto Duelling Dragons ripoff.



Enchanted Village doesn't sound like such a bad idea truthfully. That area is so neglected coasterwise that it would make a big splash.

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Personally, I think it would fit nicely in the back of Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom and replace our SLC T2. They could refurbish the backlot, considering that The Penguins Blizard River and our Stunt Show are back there, and add some much needed themeing to this park.


Kevin "I can only dream" Conley

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I was thinking along the lines of some smaller parks but what about Great Escape? Isn't that still owned by Six Flags? Thay seem to have enough "coaster" population in the park for it to fit in. I could almost see it fiting in at Enchanted Village, but it just looks to large for a park with only 4 coasters.

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Junk the SLC at SFA and repaint and put it there! Me want B&M that doesn't require 3 hour drive.
Hey, i have to fly 10 hours on a plane to get to my nearest B&M. So stop complaining!



I've had an idea. Why doesn't Six Flags move this one to a park which already has a B:TR clone? Wouldn't that be a smart idea!


C'mon, its the sort of logic Six Flags could/would use.

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