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Adventure Acres [RCT3]

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This is a park I've been working on for a few weeks now


comments and suggestions would be appreciated


heres the park entrance


in this picture you can see the parks windseeker and observation tower


python is one of the parks oldest rides, it was built by arrow dymamics and features 3 inversions


the parks scremin swing "blaze" was added a few years ago. it always seems to have a line as you may notice


ripcord is new for this year, its expected to open next week


theres a small waterpark but it hasn't been open lately. rumors are starting to pop up about a major waterpark expansion next year

Edited by mcjaco
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Very interesting so far- but I'd consider adapting the Arrow coaster- for two reasons:


As was mentioned before, the brake run is -waaaaay- too short. I'd consider flattening it, and let gravity or 'chain' pushing do the trick.


The other is a stickler item I have due to my love of both Arrow and Schwarzkopf coasters: Don't mix the two themes. The overhead box-beam type supports were not used on Arrow coasters- only the cheap Chinese knockoffs use the box-beam supports. Whereas, on the other hand, most of Schwarzkopf's loopers featured the box-beam loops.


(I know. I hear it now, it's a stickler issue. But that's me.)

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I flattened the brake run and it looks much better than it did before. (picture coming soon) I'm probably going to replace the box beam support on the loop but I haven't decided what style of loop support is going to replace it. I also included some more pictures of various rides around the park.


heres the new brake run


the falls gets very crowded on hot days


wilderness stage is getting a new show this year, not sure what it will be though


the park has a hyper coaster too, its called dive bomber


the giant wheel, and whats left of wild mouses concrete pad

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The new Arrow brake run looks -so- much closer to a real Arrow coaster- it's actually spot-on.


The Arrow loop (depending on the year it was built!) would have one of two Arrow structures: The first, is the type you see on the Loch Ness Monster, the Cedar Point Corkscrew and a handful of others- that is, a lattice arch that supports the top of the loop, with four columns underneath (Two on each side)


The second loop structure was first featured on the Orient Express, and used on most later models: the four posts underneath, and then a V shaped pair on each side of the loop, joining up midway up the side of the curve.



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feedback would be appreciated


ripcord got landscaping


python is getting repainted, the white is primer. you may also notice that the loop is gone, its being replaced because the box beam support was not sturdy enough for trains to be able to run the course of the ride


the waterpark is getting rethemed and expanded. it will reopen next season

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