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Silent Shout [Raw Version]

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After numerous re-thinks. Plan changes, trouble with sketch up and alot of neglect the ride has been completely rehauled. With my good friend CrazyCoaster (who also did the scenery for The Red Dragon) now helping me out, the original vision I had for the ride is now taking shape!


All the supports and terrain have been completely built up back from scratch but it's turned out how I want, maybe abit better. I have alot to do still, but with CC taking the wheel with the 3ds work, everything is running full steam ahead. There are a few concepts I hope to add to the ride, for example, on-ride audio similar to Bizzaro. I won't give too much away with the theme, but here's a little teaser.


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  • 4 weeks later...

"Don't worry though, everything is back up to full steam." ok that turned out to be abit of a lie.


Due to extended work hours and Andre going away on holiday and also my computer actually completely dying (don't worry it's quite old and only turned out to be an overheating issue which is fixed now) it's been hard to get stuff done. I have a screen here, but it may not look like alot's changed. This is mainly because I've had to redo every single support but I'm getting close to how it used to be. Also, terrains coming together nicely. Work has been done on the station but I've not actually seen this yet, so I'll keep you updated once that comes to place. I'm looking forward to getting the paths back.



And a view from the station.



This is abit outdated though, more supports have been done now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I swear this project it cursed! We've suffered a blue screen of death and lost alot of work again, to add to the list of mishaps *eye roll*





Luckily the project is back up to speed. Half of the ride is supported now (just past where it was when the whole ride had to be re-hauled) , more will go into it once we have a few more paths sorted out. The queue, including an over-spill, fasttrack, and disabled entrance is coming along nicely.



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WELL, things are moving on still, changes are being made but it's moving along. I almost gave up buut I do want to release this so hopefully if i get my head down the next few weeks it'll be done!


Just a few things have changed, due to my terrible sense of scale I've decided to ditch alot of the pathing under the ride by the hammerhead, it doesn't serve any purpose and it was just too big an area! Luckily I've been working on that bit and decided to do some landscaping and I think it looks great and I'm glad that decision was made. The paths now are pretty much completed and just the details are going in now. I've also decided not to release audio with the ride, I'll probably still do it, but release it later on to people who are interested and also on a youtube video.


I decided against it because 1.I'm still learning audio editing and getting some good syncs which is time consuming, and this ride needs no more delays (as if I started it in April) 2. Most people won't bother with the audio as it would take some fiddling to get it to sync and downloading it separately 3.I think this ride is solid and strong enough to be released without it, if I can get across the atmosphere with the theming.


Anyway, although some of the path interaction has been taken out towards the hammerhead, the queue and plaza area will give great views of the whole ride but also interact with the finale. I'm really liking how it's looking atm so I thought I'd just show you what I'm on about.



Hopefully expect a release in September and an actual name (this is still just the project name).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

After much dispute and alot of changes in my life I've been unable to give this project the attention it needs, after CC left for uni he's been too busy too. It has remained unfinished. I'm not the best at 3d modelling to actually continuing with the work involved left it looking unconsistant and nowhere near how I wanted.


I initially was going to scrap it but decided the other day I was still going to release the track. I'm proud of the layout, so I decided to take it aside and polish it up without the scenery. If the scenery does get done at a later date, I'm not ruining suprises now! I know some people might not be happy with this, but to me this is a hobby and I wish to continue making tracks, the way I enjoy making them. So, here, for your riding pleasure I am releasing Silent Shout [Raw Version].






In an old manor house in the country a rich family, The Northans were cursed by the spirits that dwelled in the very ground they ripped up to build their home. Tormented by these spirits in their sleep they soon became trapped in their own nightmares. Unable to escape they screamed for help, only to produce a silent shout.


Dare you spend a night in the mansion and witness what the family did, will you be able to wake from your slumber.




This unfinished version contains no additional theming and has been changed to accomodate it. I will hopefully release the full experience when it's ready. In the meantime enjoy the nightmare!


Ride Design

This is a B&M floorless that takes inspiration from many aspects of B&M design, new and old. I've picked out parts that I feel work well together and added some of my own ideas. This was made entirely using Newton2.




-Many many many thanks for LBosch for providing the track connectors and footers.


-And many thanks to Andre for helping along the layout as usual and working on the scenery. You guys will see it one day.


-You will need track packager to ride


-I recommend a back-seat ride .






Enjoy and rate.

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Can you include and or post a ZIP with the track, environment, and 3DS? Remember that the Pack Extractor no longer works for Mac users who upgrade to 10.7.


Looks good though.

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^ The track is called Four Walls it's by Massive Attack and Burial. Thought it fitted the vibe.


The concept was actually inspired by an album by The Knife, with the same name. Although Silent Hill does kinda fit!


Also anyone who would like just the plain track file, it's here. Although remember the connectors are 3ds files, so won't appear in this.

Silent Shout (Raw Version).nltrack

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