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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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Hey...wait a minute...why am I afraid of a bunch of stupid geese?


Whatever...it's time for lunch.



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t minus 4 hours till the crap hits the fan.


4 hours till Obama speaks at a local high school. I am not saying Obama is the crap, the crap is all the crap going on with work here at the station involved with it.


And Hillary Clinton's campaign office here in Terre Haute burnt down last night and Bill was in Vincennes yesterday (an hour south) and at a high school 30 minutes north of here today. I can't wait for this week to be over.

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And Hillary Clinton's campaign office here in Terre Haute burnt down last night


What a coincidence, that was my current event for Government class today.


Speaking of today, I'm glad it's over. Today was one of those days where nothing happens at all, good or bad. The only remotely good thing that happened today was when I stuck four Double Stuf Oreos together, making an Octuple Stuf Oreo, then eating it in one bite. It was good.


Tomorrow is going to be hell too. I have a wedding to go to, my sister is going to her Senior Prom right after the wedding, and her friends are spending the night at our house. If that last part isn't bad enough, I have to clean almost the entire house AND I have to make them breakfast Sunday morning! Oh jeez!


Any suggestions about what to slip into their juice?

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I hate Arkansas Comprehensive Testing, Assessment, and Accountability Program, a.k.a. ACTAAP or Benchmarks. I've been testing since Monday and I have to go until Thursday. It's so boring because you're sitting there for twenty minutes doing nothing after you're done with a section. So far I've had to do: four reading passage paragraphs, two multiple choice math sections, three open response math sections, and one essay. All of that and I'm only half way there! It's so boring! Ugh! Okay, that's the end of all my complaining.

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Indiana has the Istep test, but when you hit the 10th grade, it becomes the Istep QGE. QGE equals graduating qualifying exam. If you don't pass in the 3 years you get to take it in High School, you don't get a diploma. Here is where I have issues, everyone takes the same tests. That includes special needs students who just want a diploma. My sister did not pass and did not want to go to college, she just wanted a diploma. All she got was a certificate. She has talked about doing the GED.

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