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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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^ Amen!


I just got back from Del Taco, where I had a pair of chicken soft tacos (now with 50% more chicken!) and a Macho size Diet Coke.


The tacos vanished rather quickly, but I'm still working on the Diet Coke!



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I just witnessed somebody almost getting hit by a tow truck. The jogger was listening to his mp3 player, probably changing the song because he was looking down not paying attention. He ran into the intersection while it was a red light. This tow truck came storming down the road blowing his horn and the guy didn't even look up. The guy was basically less than a metre from getting squished. The truck had no time to stop as he was doing at least 100 km/h.

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It must have been a typo, typo, typo. It must have been a typo, it can't be true! 5 million deaths a year? 500 maybe! The other several thousand, still kickin' baby!


It must have been a typo, typo, typo. It must have been a typo it can't be true!


Wait, there can't be that many typos!



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I finally listened to Panic At The Disco's new CD, and I have to say, it's better than the first one. Maybe that's just because I like the 60's-tyle indie sound over mainstream pop-rock.



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Well, I thought I'd have had the weekend off from work (A&W). I've got a party today and everything...


...But someone decides to cancel their shift and call me in last night from 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. on a closing shift. Oy.


Still, as long as I get the next two days off I'll be happy; temps are lookin' to be in the 60's and sunny both days.

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