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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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What if there is an end to the universe? What would be at the end?

What if there used to be life on all other planets, but they ended up destroying themeselves with war and pollution? What if Earth will eventually became a giant ball of gas or barren wasteland like the other planets? What if there are hundreds of other planets orbiting around other stars, much like the planets in the solar sytem orbit around the sun(a star)? Why am I asking so many questions?

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What if there is an end to the universe? What would be at the end?

What if there used to be life on all other planets, but they ended up destroying themeselves with war and pollution? What if Earth will eventually became a giant ball of gas or barren wasteland like the other planets? What if there are hundreds of other planets orbiting around other stars, much like the planets in the solar sytem orbit around the sun(a star)? Why am I asking so many questions?

I think it is infinite.


It will eventually

There are

I Don't know, why am i answering them?



P.S. klaboochawawaa

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