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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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oh my goodness me failed all kinda exam 'n me gonna get more

sad with 'em lol..... they're real suckin' stuffs! might call me down!


Well if it can make you feel better: I too have a rough time now. I for example have to know the entire history of Japan till 1868 in 6 weeks time. And I can garantuee you that it's alot! Not to mention all those japanese names of people and places.


And I also got 3 other courses that are very hard

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I've been doing some good and hard thinking lately, and I have thought of a few questions:


1.Does God have a wife?

2.Why did Stephen Hillenburg make SpongeBob a sponge?

3.Why is a pickled cucumber called a pickle?

4.What makes me think of all these odd questions?


That's all from my facemouth...

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I had a screwed up dream last night. It began at a carnival where my family and I were walking around a wall then suddenly over the distance I noticed a park that looked like PKD built a few blocks away from where I lived. It was rather odd nonetheless, since I have never been to PKD...

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"Many years ago, a group of kids were dancing in an abandoned barn on the edge of town. They were drinking. They kicked off their Sunday shoes. Everybody cut loose. Soon...Inevitably...Their feet became loose...Literally. Feet came off of people's legs.. We lost a lot of good kids, and a lot of good feet. At that moment, dancing was outlawed in this town forever."


"So there's no...no dances, no proms?"


"Well, we do occasionally allow our students to gather, and we play music, we call them stand arounds. In fact, there's a back to stand around tonight."


"Stand arounds!? but dancing is my life..DANCING IS MY LIIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!"


i love that movie

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Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the shack


Not a creature was stirrin', cept the lice on muh back.


The Skoal cans wuz nailed to the screen door with care,


With hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.


The children were sleepin', all snug in their beds,


While visions of tractor pulls danced in their heads.


And Ma in her nightgown all stained with pound cake.


Had just settled down to watch Ricki Lake.


When out in the driveway, a loud noise I heard,


I opened the winder to check muh T-bird.


I ran to the door, like I's on a mission,


But I tripped on some parts from muh granny's transmission.


The moon shone outside, the hound dog wuz barkin'.


Muh daughter weren't home yet, she wuz still out parkin'.


When what to muh whiskey blind eyes should I see


But a Chevy S-10, pulled by eight flyin' sheep.


With a fat nasty driver, so disgustin' and sick


I said, "Shoot Fire! That must be St. Nick!


More rapid than X-lax his wooly sheep came


And he belched and he hollered, and he called 'em by name.






From the top of the shack to them there garbage bins


Now Dash Away! Dash Away! Dash Away youins!


I heard a loud sound on the roof of muh shack.


Pud down muh beer and went fer muh gun rack.


He fell through the roof, plum killed my dog,


I swear that ole' Santa looked just like Boss Hog.


He wore a T-shirt, rebel flag on the front,


And his jeans were all bloody from that morning's hunt.


A big nekkid lady tattooed on his arm,


And he wore black boots that he'd picked up in 'Nam.


His eyes, how they glazed from too much Wild Turkey.


From the side of his mouth hung a stick of beef jerky.


A scar on his cheek from a fight with the cops.


The veins on his face looked ready to pop.


The butt of a Marlboro clung to his lip


He wore a hip pack full of B-B-Q chips.


He had a fat face and a hairy beer belly.


I ain't seen one that big since muh ex-wife Shelly.


He was gap-toothed and dumb with an I.Q. of three


And I laughed cause that redneck was smarter than me.


A wink of his eye, a fierce shake of his head,


From his hair came a rat that ran under the bed.


He reached in his sack, sipped his gin and tonic,


Then filled the kid's stockings with Hooked on Phonics.


His toys came from Big Lots and they weren't very nice


But he had lots of them and yuh can't beat the price.


He gave us a tape of them hound dogs that sing Jingle Bells.


Some Crisco, some Spam, some Oatmeal Cream pies,


And a Nascar T-shirt in Double X size.


When the presents were gone and he had no more,


He staggered and stumbled right through muh screen door.


He hopped in his truck, to his sheep gave an order


"Hurry up youins! To the Tennessee border!"


And I heard him cry out, with a strong southern drawl,



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Sad but true....I'd like to pay my respects to my beloved 3rd Gen iPod that was working perfectly...Until it got sat on.. In a way, the way it died is kinda funny but it really sucks...and it's out of warranty (duh...) It actually still plays music after being crushed with over 200 pounds of body mass. RIP 3rd Gen 'Pod. (I'm off to get a new one tomorrow but can't decide: white or black?)


Atleast, I can still use it as an external hard drive...


Ink blot test! What do you see?


I see a dead iPod.



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