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More indoor rides please.....

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Maybe it's me, but I just don't think there are enough indoor rides.


Some parks have 1, some parks have none.


Only a few have multiple, with Disney being the king.


The great thing about them is it doesn't matter if they are cheesy, I still never miss them.


SFOG, I ALWAYS go on Monster Mansion. At Holiday World, I rode Gobbler Getaway over and over.


Dollywood, can't miss Blazing Fury. Maybe it's the AC, but I just love any and all dark rides.


I would LOVE for Busch Gardens Fl to add one. Can you imagine how well an air conditioned shooting ride would go over in Tampa. Love for Cedar Point to add one. Sea World to add one.


Haunted houses, boat rides, shooting rides, there's lots of great options but not enough out there.


I would love for these parks that have only 1 to add a few more. They always have a line, so they are in demand for sure. Are they a super high cost, could that be the reason?

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Do you also include non-tracked rides? Like a themed indoor flat ride? Cyclone Sam's at WoF comes to mind.


I agree, to all indoor themed rides, they're great fun! Not quite as much as the bigger outdoor ones, but they beat a lot of rides in my book. It's often that when a park does have one, they give it their best.

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Back when The Crypt's (Tomb Raider: The Ride, Kings Island) cycle didn't suck, it was easily my favorite flat ride. There's just something about being indoors and surrounded by theming that gets my juices pumping.


I also love Flight of Fear, and yes, even Disaster Transport...especially when all of the lights are turned off. Putting a mediocre coaster (not that FOF would be mediocre if outdoors) in a box can make said coaster multiple times better, IMO.

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Its gone now but Conneaut Lake for the longest time had a indoor scrambler called "The Ultimate Trip" It was your average scrambler ride but the inside was filled with lasers, disco lights and tons of weird painted monsters on the wall and loud angry music blasting during the ride. The neat thing was the painted red line on the floor that stood for " if you cross this while the ride is running you'll die"


I have no doubt it'll one day be rebuilt.


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^^Have to agree on the Crypt. Went from awesome when themed to epic with no theme and crazy cycle to....now.


All I have to say on enclosed flats is Cosmotron. Take a standard Himalaya, enclose it, add music, disco ball, fog machine, and strobe lights and you get what I call Rave Party: The Ride. Aside from Phoenix and, lets face it, everything else, Cosmotron makes Knoebels epicness.

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Maybe if parks add rides like Dinosaur at Disney which is something like 30 mintues of air conditioning, that might work!


That's a lot of money to spend on a non-coaster. Not many park could afford that type of attraction. If your definition of "work" means to piss to general population, yes then it would work.


Caveat for Dave Thomas: I'm not disputing the greatness of Dinosaur only pointing out the GP's attitude towards Dinosaur versus a roller coaster.

Edited by larrygator
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I would LOVE for Busch Gardens Fl to add one. Can you imagine how well an air conditioned shooting ride would go over in Tampa.


Yeah, it's kind of strange that Busch Gardens Tampa doesn't have any real themed/dark rides. I thought Darkastle in BGW was a huge step in the right direction for the Busch Parks (and Journey to Atlantis was a small step in the right direction), but now that they're under new management I have no idea how that bodes for the future of themed rides in these parks.

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While Dino is completely awesome, normal parks can't afford a Disney type indoor ride.


But Gobbler Getaway, that looks like I could afford it with my kids bank account.


And it's AC and super fun. Haunted houses, not that expensive and also super fun.


Even something Disney-lite like Snow White (or Mr. Toad) are really cool.


Now Toy Story is completely addicting, but it looks like a Disney/Universal only type ride.


I wish every park had 2 or 3....even simple boxes over coasters like Exterminator at Kennywood make it that much more fun.

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Yessireebob I agree that parks need to add more indoor rides regardless if it's a coaster, flat ride, or your traditional dark ride. Having an indoor ride has a few advantages: rain won't shut the ride down, Air conditioning will be running on those hot, humid days, and special effects can be added in an indoor environment that wouldn't work outdoors. My home park of Kings Dominion has three such rides that are indoors: Flight of Fear, Boo Hill, and Treasure Cave. And come to think of it, between 1979 to 1995, the Lost World had three more rides that were indoors. When it comes down to it, Walt Disney Parks are the kings of the indoor rides.


One last note: One year, at the now-gone Pavillion at Myrtle Beach, they once had two flat rides that were indoors: A Scrambler ride and a Trambant Ride. I must confess, riding those rides with the flashing lights and dance music playing made those ride more enjoyable.


"You know, I'm also enjoyable; plus, I'm also indoors as well. So is the bed I'm on."

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