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Americana/LeSourdsville Lake

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Was in the area the other day and decided to stop by and check out what remained of the park. Talked to Jerry Couch who owns the area now and said he really has no plans to reopen the park anytime soon. He doesn't let anyone back in the park area due to liability and such but said you could walk up to the fence and look around. It was amazing to see all those childhood memories and for the park having basically no maintenance for so many years, it still looks to be in good shape. Most of the buildings are still standing and look sound. The lake has been drained and all the rides have been sold off except for some parts stored off in a field. I took some pictures that I will post below. The Eagle is still standing as a complete structure, no parts of it have fallen down. He did say that the coaster will be taken down sometime in the near future. He also said they sold the swinging ship to Stricker's Grove and just delivered it a few weeks ago.









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Sadly the above poster called it, Southern Ohio Ace rep confirmed that the Eagle was completely destroyed in the past few days. Another classic has gone to the big midway in the sky. www.journal-news.com/news/hamilton-news/historic-roller-coaster-taken-down-at-lesourdsville-1228811.html


Trains part of track and running gear are headed to the museum in texas.

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