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TPR's Official Australia Trip Update Thread!

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As an Australian, I find it hillarious that you are here for one day, and manage to spot a crapload of 'non politically correct' theming that has often been largley unnoticed by local enthusiasts

Vote for this man NOW!!!

I just realised, TPR would've arrived on the day of the New South Wales state election, hence all the placards.

But haha, yeah, The Sex Party surfaced just before the last federal election, and in fact scored a higher percentage of the vote than the "Family First party" (Ultra conservative) They came very close to winning a seat in the senate, despite doing little advertising.

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Is there a possibility for some of the local Australians to jump in and hang out with the tour?


As someone who has been on many TPR Trips, and someone who has tried to meet up with TPR Trips at parks I can tell you it is tough to fit in. Many on the trip participants have already formed bonds from previous trips, through the Aussie Trip message board and through the past few days together. Also much of the time at the park involves closed events (ERT, back stage tours, meals) for which the particpants paid. When it comes to Robb and Elissa, you have to remember they are working practically non-stop and have a toddler in tow. These trips are very unique in that Robb and Elissa provide concierge service and they are generally talking to park/hotel/transportation personel and on the phone making sure that what is happening later in the day or tomorrow are in order.


It's not the TPR trip participants are not friendly they have just already formed little groups to hang with on the trip.

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Is there a possibility for some of the local Australians to jump in and hang out with the tour?


As someone who has been on many TPR Trips, and someone who has tried to meet up with TPR Trips at parks I can tell you it is tough to fit in. Many on the trip participants have already formed bonds from previous trips, through the Aussie Trip message board and through the past few days together. Also much of the time at the park involves closed events (ERT, back stage tours, meals) for which the particpants paid. When it comes to Robb and Elissa, you have to remember they are working practically non-stop and have a toddler in tow. These trips are very unique in that Robb and Elissa provide concierge service and they are generally talking to park/hotel/transportation personel and on the phone making sure that what is happening later in the day or tomorrow are in order.


It's not the TPR trip participants are not friendly they have just already formed little groups to hang with on the trip.

This tour is also very different from other tours. We are doing things a bit more "exclusive" meaning that the parks are bringing us in as a group and we are having to do the "perks" like ERT and tours as more of a tour group and less like an "event" like West Coast Bash. It would be very, very difficult for us to have anyone not on the tour to meet up with us for any of the special perks they have offered.


And the reason why we were able to pull of some of these special perks is because we were a small group. You can do a lot more, sometimes, with a group of 40 people, where it is impossible to do with a group of 100 or more.


Also, since this is the first time Elissa and myself have visited these parks, we are also enjoying them as guests and want to spend as much time as possible exploring the parks. We just simply do not have the time to meet up with people. I apologize if this sounds rude, but when we have a very limited time at each park, we want to spend that time with our close friends and family. It is for this reason that we have not published our tour schedule. If we had a bunch of people meeting up with us at each park, we absolutely would not get to see the parks as we would like to. And we know this from our personal experience.


And finally, if anyone living in Australia wanted to get the bonuses and perks this tour offers, quite simply, you should have signed up for the tour! We have several Australians on the tour now who have done this and already are seeing the value in the tour we offer, even if it is for your locals parks. We advertised this tour for quite a few months, and if you've ever paid attention to any of our past trips, you should know that we are going to get to do a LOT of really cool stuff at each park. If this interested you, why didn't you sign up for the tour?


I hope this helps explain. Sorry we will not be able to meet up with some of our local members, but it is just not possible during this tour.



Edited by robbalvey
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While yes, it does suck that we won't be able to meet up with you. I do fully understand your reasoning behind it all. I really hope you have a great time in Australia and hopefully next time your down I can say hello! If not hopefully next year i'll see you on a tour in America or somewhere else

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Ah, Luna Park fills me with nostalgia and sadness; the original incarnation was like a mini Blackpool with a really cool woodie, which I only rode once because I wasn't tall enough on most of my visits. Where the Wild Mouse is now was the location of the first coaster I ever went on. Sadly, I was there the night it burned down in 1979.


I checked out the zombie walk, I was hoping they'd screen some zombie movies on the big screen after. I don't see the attraction of being a zombie, I'd rather be one of the survivors, preferably with several high powered guns and a flame thrower.


Hopefully you'll get a chance to check the monster crocodile at Sydney Wildlife World.

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The trip officially ends on April 4th, so unless they go anywhere after that they should be home then. I would also give them a few weeks after that to catch up with everything given how busy they have been.

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^When they tested Orphan Rocker, it was too dangerous as in people would have been thrown out of the cars (which rock sideways), I've heard. The guy at Scenic World has never gotten around to getting it going, it's an unusual situation. If it ever opens I'll be on the M4 driving 200 km/h heading for the mountains.


That's just what I've heard, hopefully TPR got some info while they were there.

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Time for a quick update.


Today there was some more time in Sydney and then it was time to catch a plane to the Gold Coast.


Tomorrow should provide more images.


We tried for a Xmas card photo, but someone wouldn't quite cooperate!


TPR Members doing the Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb!


TPR says goodbye to Sydney as we prepare for our first internal flight!


"Today I will be playing the role of airline host...and I'll do a better job that most LAX staff!"


And there is our plane!


It's like the plane knew we were coming!


And just when things couldn't get weirder, we get spotted on the flight by TPR fan Scott who also just happened to be out flight attendant!


The view from our hotel....


Still our view!

Edited by krazekiddd
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OMG that spider! OMG! OMG!


*screams like a banshee*






Ok I'm fine now. I think.


Anyhow, loving the trip report! That's crazy how the train for Orphan Rocker is still sitting on the track, locked up all these years.


Love the cute animals. I want to go to Australia one day, but in the meantime, I got Walkabout Way at Busch Gardens to keep the cute quotient up for me.

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