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Are you interested in attending Texas Giant Bash?  

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  1. 1. Are you interested in attending Texas Giant Bash?

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I haven't been to a TPR event before. I actually happen to have a free AirTran ticket that expires at the end of May. How far is the park from the airport? With all of these people flying in from out of town, what plans do you have to get to the hotel?


Once we're back from the TPR Australia Trip, I'll see who's interested in a group rate at a nearby hotel, as well as any airport transfers/shuttles.

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If I wasn't doing a TPR trip this summer and didn't have finals the week after this, I would be 100% in. Unfortunately, unless something happens, I won't be attending. I'm still hoping for a TPR Texas trip in 2012 or 2013 so I can visit these parks (I would have signed up for the 2009 trip but the timing just didn't work out that year).

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I am so there! Plane ticket purchased.


Once we're back from the TPR Australia Trip, I'll see who's interested in a group rate at a nearby hotel, as well as any airport transfers/shuttles.


Thanks, Elissa, that would be great.

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Will people who are not members of TPR (and I mean TPR as all-encompassing. Not just Club-TPR) be eligible to participate in the event? If so I may be able to round up a group of friends to make the 4 hour trek to Arlington from Houston.

Yes. Like it says on the front page, stay tuned for details!

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I'm definitely going to this, but my one concern is getting from the hotel to the park for anything early morning.


Any suggestions (renting a car is out of the question, I don't drive)?


There are plenty of hotels within walking distance, I'm staying at the Hyatt when I'm there in July. I started with Lodging page on the six flags website and then did some further searching.

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Now that I'm not doing a TPR trip this year I must find a way to do this! I really wanna catch the new TG, plus I still need my coveted Shock Wave credit. We're severely understaffed at my job and I already have both of my vacations for this year in the books so I must see what strings I can pull to make this happen...

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