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Millennium Force Promo Help

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I am working on a project, a Kinetic Typography project for class and decided to use the Millennium Force Promo video. All is going well except I cannot figure out what is being said at a certain point. This is what I have:


At the turn of the millennium, there were signs.

Was there something out there?

A higher intelligence?

A mysterious force at work?

Beyond words, beyond comprehension, beyond.... beyond.

What will the new millennium bring?


I can't make out the next part about scientists and their fathomed constructs. Once they start talking about Beyond time I can get it but I just can't understand that part. I have included the MP3.


Can someone please help me?

millennium force promo 1999.mp3

MF Promo

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.... (continuing where you left off, best as I can tell)


"A shadowy construct,

fathomed by scientists that their wits' end

of the quest of the answer to everything.

Beyond time, beyond space,

beyond gravity, beyond dimensions we understand,

a natural force simply known as the 'Millennium Force'.

Somewhere, racing along the edge of the time-space continuum

in the universe as we know it.

It's out there.


Millennium Force

The future is riding on it."


I think there was something else before "a shadowy construct", but I couldn't make it out. There's more in the clip, but it was pretty clear so I didn't bother with it.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks, That's what I could come up with too.


"A shadowy construct,

fathomed by scientists that their wits' end

of the quest of the answer to everything."


It just doesn't really make sense, and the words are going to be on screen so I can't make any mistakes.


I believe that line is "at their wits end", not "that their wits end".

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This is it exactly:


At the turn of the millennium, there were signs...

Was there something out there?

A higher intelligence?

A mysterious force at work?

Beyond words.

Beyond comprehension.

Beyond...Beyond... (echo: Beyond...)

What will the new millennium bring?

In theory:

A shadowy construct fathomed by scientists at their wits' end

of the quest for the answer to everything.

Beyond time, beyond space, beyond gravity, beyond dimensions we understand, a natural force simply known as 'Millennium Force'.

Somewhere, racing along the edge of the time-space continuum in the universe as we know it, it's out there.

Millennium Force, the future is riding on it.

Edited by Mechanic
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