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Fun Spot America Discussion Thread

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Just got back from watching several of the first test runs, and it was speeding up considerably from the first through the seventh or eighth runs. GCI and Fun Spot definitely have a winner on their hands here!

I think that was agreed upon on day one. By the way, what is the top speed of the ride?

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This seriously looks like an awesome little coaster. I don't know what the price point White Lightning was but hopefully this thing is successful enough that other FEC's in America will consider a similar addition. I know this expansion deviates Fun Spot for a typical FEC definition but you know what I mean.


Can't wait to check the whole place out!

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Holy Moly!!! That train was surely going fast!!!


WHITE LIGHTNING will be the biggest draw for Fun Spot Action Park growth and addtions. Mewonders what they might do for next season. It's too soon, so just enjoy right now.


To the other parks in Florida: whatcha gonna do when the WHITE LIGHTNING strikes you?

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That train looks so cool. Can't wait to ride! I wish it could have an inversion but its a little to small for that and it's a family thrill coaster so I understand why they didn't do it. Will this be smooth like El Toro?

Not every wooden coaster is all the sudden going to start having inversions. And yes, based on every GCI built in the last decade, it will be smooth.

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I remember when most of us (including myself) were one-hundred percent convinced that Fun Spot's coaster was going to be that Big Fun design that GCI has been showing off at the shows.

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I hope this opens up a market for GCI to smaller parks. I would love to see more little guys like this pop up all over the place. This thing looks like it hauls too.

Well if you add Beech Bend and Celebration City to the list, this is the third small park they've made a coaster for, and while I haven't ridden Ozark Wildcat (and never will), Kentucky Rumbler is pretty damn good. If this turns out to be as good as it looks, it seems like they do some of their best work for the little guys.

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^If anything, I would almost compare White Lightning to El Toro at Freizeitpark Plohn in terms of being a tiny little coaster for a small park. I hardly think GCI is opening up new markets with this one, they've been working with small parks for quite some time.

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I remember when most of us (including myself) were one-hundred percent convinced that Fun Spot's coaster was going to be that Big Fun design that GCI has been showing off at the shows.

That was the news that was going around IAAPA that year. It's very possible that perhaps it DID start out as a Big Fun and then ended up being this design.

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