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The "Rant" Thread


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Mine is getting worse. Even normal daily activities like walking around, standing for a while without sitting, mopping, sweeping, and jumping on a trampoline are uncomfortable and (at times) painful if the activity is intense enough.


I'm 14 and my back feels like it's 80 at times. Luckily it isn't bad enough for Spinal Fusion, but feeling unbalanced and uncomfortable in your lower back isn't exactly easy to ignore...


And since my diagnosis in November I finally realize why I'm not a huge fan of stand-up coasters.

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My GoPro (Hero 3 Black) suddenly won't upload to Youtube anymore. I used to be able to upload straight from the GoPro itself, it would just take forever but it would still be able to upload on Youtube. Now it'll just say it's loading but then it'll say it failed about an hour later. Even after converting the video files, which a lot of people recommended, it still won't upload at all. Starting to get really frustrated. At least I cans still take pictures...

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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the municipalities contained within should be liable for all the damage caused to my car from the potholes on the roads. It's like trying to drive through a goddamn minefield, and I can't keep dodging them forever and risking accidents. Seriously, with my luck, I'm bound to hit one at the wrong angle one of these days and blow out a tire or my suspension.

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Okay, I really don't want to put it here, but it's the best spot, I suppose, so...


Lately, I have been seeing trip reports in this site, featuring photos that are honestly

(to me) Too Dark to even make out group shots, scenery, etc. And I don't feel

like continually copying and lightening the photo myself, when it should be done by

the person posting the trip report.


People! Use your computer and check those photos you are posting! I have done it for a couple

of years now, and have even gone back to previous trip reports I posted, and "cleaned up" a few

of the pix in those threads, here and there.

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Bleh. Past few days have been a nasty one-two punch of a really rough and unpleasant breakup that occurred under really bad circumstances and a subsequent drinking binge on my part. The good news is that I didn't have class and basically had nothing to do other than play Sengoku Basara, drink, pass out, throw up, and drop Alka-Seltzer so that I could at least keep something down. Moral of the story: benders solve nothing and make you feel a hell of a lot worse when the dust clears.

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What is with people reciting ride/pre-show dialogue line for line? I get it, you've been on this a thousand times and know the spiel back to front. How about shutting up and letting others enjoy the show?

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I'm a first time poster long time lurker here.


I had no idea where to put this but it is just something that I needed to get off my chest and this seemed like the thread to do so, if mods feel like this should be it's own topic, by all means. I am going to be purposely vague if that bothers you I'm sorry, but because of this situation I feel that I have to be.


I was on a non-TPR amusement park enthusiast forum that is for primarily people of a certain area. I was reading about a local amusement park and this guy (who is a pretty prolific poster around several enthusiast sites) just went on and on about all the things he didn't like about this particular park. Some of it was about the price of parking to the price of additional add ons that the park provided. All of which seem pretty much industry standard IMO. I when I go to places I **expect** to pay for things like lockers and parking. It just comes with going to an amusement park.


I personally have not gone to this particular amusement park before, but I have gone to another that this company runs, and while I could see some similar complaints with my personal experience, none of them were "deal breakers" to me. Sometimes places run out of lockers. Sometimes places charge for parking. Sometimes amusement parks are crowded. This happens everywhere.


I had to tell that story to get to what I was really upset about. Posters in the thread were like "you should bring up your complaints to the management." Which, honestly, is what you should be doing rather than posting on a web forum in the first place, so sound advice. One poster (who is a different, yet just as prolific as the first guy on amusement park enthusiast forums) who responds starts trashing the company's policy claiming it will "go unheard." I recognized this guy as a person who owns a competing amusement park in the area. He then goes to claim in his post "I can't tell you the amount of complaints we hear at super awesome amusement park land daily about our competition's park." Then goes on to basically advertise his amsuement park in the post while claiming he "knows" that his competition won't respond to the OP's concern.


I haven't gone to either of these two parks. So I don't really have an opinion one way or another. But I can't see how it is in good business practice to go trash another's business. While claiming you have free parking and such, the price of an all day ticket at this park is the same as year pass to his competition. I just thought it came across as almost bitter and definitely unprofessional. I understand you kind of have to be a super enthusiast to go out on a limb and build your own park, but you don't need to go trash someone else's business (particularly since you ARE the competition and you made no effort to make a warning about your statement claiming as such.)


Anyways, just something I needed to say.

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Not really a rant, just an interesting story.


A few days ago, I was having lunch with one of my friends (also a TPR member), and we ordered our food at one of our usual spots on campus. After waiting a few minutes, my order is called; I began walking up to the counter, but then another man beat me there, paid for the meal and a few drinks, took the food and left. At that point, I was wondering if I had misheard the order called, or if we both happened to order the same thing. Moments later, my friend's order (which had been placed after mine) was called. So we waited, and waited, and waited for my order, but I was pretty convinced that the random guy had taken my food. Three things gave it away: 1. The guy working the counter noticed me still waiting and had to redo my order. 2. Another order was called and nobody was picking it up. 3. The guy who purchased my meal returned, complaining that he was given the wrong order.

I only had a short time to have lunch before I had to get back to school work, and the mix up accounted for more than half of my break. I was more irritated than angry, but it does make me wonder how good of a listener the guy who took my lunch is.

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^No, it's just the way of exchange rates. We've been nearly on par with the US dollar for

several months, until lately. Hopefully the dip won't go too much farther (I think we are $1.10

to the US $1 now).

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crap - our dollar is slipping, against the US dollar.


So? Does it affect you because you are so close to the boarder?


It adds another 10-15% when paying for anything in USD. For small things it's not bad, but for something like a TPR trip, that can be in the range of $600.


Personally I'd be happy if the CAD could stay around $0.90 USD, I remember how bad it was travelling in the USA when it was down below $0.70.

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