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Six Flags Magic Mountain?


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Hi. My name is Lewis and I'm new here, but have been reading the site for many months.


I come from the UK, and plan to visit your wonderful country in September. I'm staying at Anaheim, very close to Disneyland.


However, I really, really want to go to Six Flags Magic California but from 57 miles away I have no idea how to!


Are there any Bus links or ect to help me get from Anaheim to Valencia?


Thank you for any help given .

Edited by Burn.e
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no Taxi's will take the same time, but the cost will equal that of renting a car, and probably more expensive, its better to just rent a small car.


I would imagine the "transit" that takes three hours is the bus system

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I'm sorry, I should have been more clear with my answer:


If you use public transportation to get from Anaheim to SFMM it will consist of buses and trains, and will take close to 3 hours between waiting and actually moving.


If you hire a taxi it will take about 70minutes but I can't imagine it being under $75 each way.


Rent a car for a day at one of the many little desks at the hotels in Anaheim and that will be much easier!

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Cool! Looks like we're hiring a car for the day then. Thanks all.


Sorry to bombard all you lovely peeps with question, I just don't want any regrets whilst going to one of the worlds best theme parks:


1) What would queue times be like on the 23th, 24th or 25th of September. Like how long will I have to queue for X, Deja Vu, Riddler's Revenge ect ect.


2) How long does it take to get to SFMM from Anaheim by car.


Thanks in advance .

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Copied from another one of my posts:




Be at parking booths by 9...already have your tickets...as soon as gates open run or walk very fast to X, after that walk very fast to Deja Vu, after that ride: Riddler, Batman, Scream, Colossus, Goliath...now get food or a break, then get fastlanes and start a lap again but this time do: Fastlane on Revolution if needed, Fastlane on Viper if needed, Psyclone, up the hill to Superman/Ninja, Goldrusher, Kiddie coasters if you're a credit whore. That is my plan, and it has worked amazingly way too many times.


From Anaheim to SFMM in no traffic driving 5mph over the speed limit will take you 65 minutes. I have made the drive in 50 minutes and it has taken me up to 2h15m. I would recommend going on the 25th. I believe that friday is a major event at the park, but you can check www.sixflags.com to check for sure.

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Cool! Looks like we're hiring a car for the day then. Thanks all.


Sorry to bombard all you lovely peeps with question, I just don't want any regrets whilst going to one of the worlds best theme parks:


1) What would queue times be like on the 23th, 24th or 25th of September. Like how long will I have to queue for X, Deja Vu, Riddler's Revenge ect ect.


2) How long does it take to get to SFMM from Anaheim by car.


Thanks in advance .


I don't want to burst your bubble, but don't go with too high expectations, because you may feel a bit let down by the park. Of course, this a personal opinion and you may have the most fun ever, but the customer service levels and overall quality may make you a feel a little let down.


For finding your way there, mapquest is usually pretty reliable. ( www.mapquest.com ). Just put your hotels address in the From field and the info below in the To field.


Address: 26101 Magic Mountain Pkwy


State: CA

ZIP Code: 91355

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you shouldnt worry how to get there, because it is really easy to get from anaheim to magic mountain. all you do is get on 5 and follow it up to magic mountain. but get on google maps or something to be sure so i dont feel sorry if i give the wrong directions. 8)

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^^ I agree with this. The park really isn't all that great. My opinions were... Goliath wasn't good, Scream! was the best in the park, Riddler was fun allthough I'm not a satnd- up fan, STE is fun if don't have any hype built up about it (ride the left side, the line is usualy shorter). Its not a bad park, it is actualy a nice park in the way of setting, but it is not the best. If you want to ride X, be there at opening. Have fun!

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