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The Bag-Of-Crap Giveaway Thread!

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Is it at a Cedar Fair Park


See last set of answers, please!




Parts of it are.


Has this ride ever been affected by a storm?


Dude, whatever is your issue with death, please seek some help for it. Thank you.


Six Flags Park?


Parts of it are...


Would I see a knight while riding this ride?


Depends on what you're taking at the time.


\Is this ride Tennessee tornado?


No, but I do like your thoughts there.

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Parts of it are.


Does this ride have any inversions?




Kiddie coaster?




Is this ride Viper at six flags magic mountain?


ICK. And NO.


Does this ride go faster than 60 mph?




Is this ride a family coaster?


Yes- and no.


Flight Deck/Top Gun at California's Great America?


No. Good ride, though.


Is this ride a themed ride




Is it Demon at CGA


No- but you're getting slightly warmer.


Is the ride located at the formerly owen by Cedar Fair park California's Great America?






Sigh. Nope.

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Demon at CGA


See above- and no.


is this ride The phantoms revenge?


Nada, senor.


Is this ride anaconda at kings dominion?


Oy. No.


Is this ride big bad wolf?


Slightly warm, but not at all.


ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT THE RIDE! Some questions earlier that were vague were intentionally left open to be asked again...

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