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Where in the World is Robb & Elissa???

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I also believe they went Antic's Land. For two reasons.. Dubaidave went to both during a trip report and they are relatively close, but my main reason is that the picture of the guy holding the crystal ball that robb is standing next to, closely matches their mascott..




Edited to say that the figaro's pizza (you bake sign) is also located in the mega mall.

Edited by Chroniq
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Here is a complete guess..



The Whackey Worm, in one of the top pictures is located at the base of, or near to, The Eye of The Emirates ferriswheel. I'm basing this guess on the skyline view seen behind Elissa in the picture as well as the pavement patterns matching the area around the Eye of the Emirates.

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C'mon TPR.. I'd like to hear your guesses! please?


I'm not a web search master like you are, lol. I've tried doing searches on stuff, and came up pretty darn empty, because I probably don't know completely what I'm searching for.

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^^It HAS been an awfully slow day for guesses, hasn't it, Chroniq? I'd love to guess some more, but this is way, way out of my area of expertise and unfortunately not even random guesses could save me when it comes to parks in the UAE. Ask me about Burj al-Arab and I could probably ramble off some random facts, but that's about it for me and the Middle East.




At least I guessed the V-12 flume correctly a few pages back!

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Seriously guys.. I go to theme parks and don't even know the name of the coasters there. Ask about me..I'm going on my second TPR trip and I don't even know all of the parks we are going to.. So yeah.... I believe in all of you!


Also. I've realized that at least two of my guesses are completely wrong.. So, please don't take what I say as gospel.. It definitely isn't.

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pretty sure the aladdins in qatar was wrong.. and I'm thinking the snakes are actually in the sharj'ah mega mall.. the eye of the emirates coaster was just a guess based on the skyline.. probably a few more.. also can't promise you've been to sega republic yet either.


I think that abandoned theme park is somewhere in shari'ah and very tough to use the internet to research (the one I thought was aladdin)..



Also I spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure out the buildings in the first couple pics.. (assuming they were in shajar or qatar or even oman and I found a couple that looked like sharjar but others looked like dubai). So I didn't guess on those pics.

Edited by Chroniq
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C'mon TPR.. I'd like to hear your guesses! please?

Me too! Is Chroniq the only one left playing now? I have to be honest, it's a little disappointing to us that so many people seem to have given up. Part of the fun of this thread is hearing what everyone's thinks.


If people stop playing, we are just going to assume that TPR isn't interested in something like this and we just won't do it again in the future. If you all are bored with it, that's fine, just tell us and we'll stop...


--Robb "A little bummed..." Alvey

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C'mon TPR.. I'd like to hear your guesses! please?

Me too! Is Chroniq the only one left playing now? I have to be honest, it's a little disappointing to us that so many people seem to have given up. Part of the fun of this thread is hearing what everyone's thinks.


If people stop playing, we are just going to assume that TPR isn't interested in something like this and we just won't do it again in the future. If you all are bored with it, that's fine, just tell us and we'll stop...


--Robb "A little bummed..." Alvey



I think it might be in part to the fact that he's gone so intense on it & the fact that people sort of have a general idea of where you are.


I remember in the Edmonton one, you confused a lot of people.

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I'm having a blast, trying to figure things, out, I just keep hitting some dead ends.


But so far my google has told me in clue set 14 the last two pictures are Baja Fresh, and http://eon.businesswire.com/news/eon/20100121005101/en/burj-khalifa/Fast-Casual/franchise


This article seems to point out that the only Baja Fresh is in Dubai, so i think after your adventures today, you've returned to Duabi.


I'm assuming that Dubai is your main starting point for all your locations.


Ok, time to look at the rest of the pictures to see if I can figure something else out.




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Also I spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure out the buildings in the first couple pics.. (assuming they were in shajar or qatar or even oman and I found a couple that looked like sharjar but others looked like dubai). So I didn't guess on those pics.


I have been trying to find those buildings on and off throughout the day, and I'm utterly lost! Even pages upon pages of "Middle Eastern buildings" on google has turned up almost nothing! I think R&E have traveled to an alternate dimension Dubai that isn't as impressive as our dimension's Dubai just to throw us off.


Robb, I have found this to be an absolute blast, and I have pretty much ignored most of the forums until I realized that this wasn't the only thread left. I have honestly been glued to it whenever I have the chance! --and random question about this 156719_10150346191365370_681415369_16128748_5609516_n.jpg photo... is that a Dragon Wagon with TWO trains, or am I just seeing a mirage?!?!?



And finally, more random dead ends... I tried to search 055 7744555 from THIS--> image, but so far nothing. I thought it would be a good idea, too!



As for the Baja Fresh, I could only find one location back at Burj Khalifa. Unless you snuck back to the States on us!

EDIT: Looks like Sspaz beat me to it! Alas.

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@BigDipper 80 But I still have no idea why they are back in Dubai, or if another Baja Fresh snuck in somewhere. And I've just realized that first picture you reposted is a dragon. I thought it was some funky bizarre animal, since a lot of parks anywhere outside the US have odd mascots, themeing to them.

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I remember in the Edmonton one, you confused a lot of people.

Well, to be fair, that exactly what we tried to do with that last set of photos. But there only seems to be one person even trying so far.


So what do you guys want? Confusing photos, or should we just stop where we are at and declare a winner?


--Robb "It stops being fun for us when everyone stops playing." Alvey

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Although I've lurked for much of this thread (if only because I was utterly stumped!),I personally wouldn't mind seeing some more mind-numbing clues because it's fun when you realize "oh, THAT's what he meant!" and then smack yourself In the face for not seeing it. But if only a handful of people continue, it won't be quite as hysterical, I think. Regardless, it's been fun reading all 48 pages of this thread!


--Ethan "anything for a Bag of Crap" Kocjan

Edited by BigDipper 80
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At this point, I'm interested in this thread as a trip report.. It's great seeing other countries.


For a while I've been wanting to post the significance of this photo:



The reason it's a clue has to do with that fact that it was, at least a decade or so ago, the world's fastest coaster (and it's an Intamin).


Oh gee.. where are you going? To ride what is currently the world's fastest coaster...


Keep the photos coming! It's very fun following along.

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