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For all hamster fans




Sorry I couldn't do much about the red eye. But looks better in a way


Here is the dog


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Camille and Me "looking at something..."


Taken yesterday evening.


Man, I missed her all thru the UK Tour. Of course now she has us both back in the house for her bidding and wants/needs/whatevah.


Now WTF are we looking at again?

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Lenore and Rory as babies.


I feel bad posting pictures of Rory and Lenore and not posting any of Snowie, so here she is. I know her name is stupid, I was seven when I chose it :p


Rory, the first day she came home. Her and Lenore have a much nicer cage now, no more white bars.


Lenore, maybe a week or two after she came home.

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I never posted pics of my cats, so here they are!


And both of them together. They are both about 4 years old.


And my boy Kumba posing for his portrait.


My girl Raven. She looks so cute and comfortable sleeping on my pillow. Too bad I woke her up immediately after I took this since I don't fancy sleeping on cat hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awwww. I had a Bichon who was always all scruffy and cute (can't stand them when they're all puffed up for shows) who looked a lot like that when she was little. Sweet dog!

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Awwww. I had a Bichon who was always all scruffy and cute (can't stand them when they're all puffed up for shows) who looked a lot like that when she was little. Sweet dog!


The malteses are even uglier if you let their hair grow all the way out as seen in shows. We keep her hair roughly the length seen in the photos, so she always looks like a puppy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... I guess I'm going to join in the fun since it's here. I really want a ferret again, I miss my little Tink Tink. But here are the others.


This is a picture of my dog, Cassidy H. Poochinstine. She is the sweetest dog you could ever meet... ever. She is smart, but as dumb as a brick at the same time.



This one is of my two cats, Baby and Chance. Baby is the huge one, and Chance is the itty bitty tiny one. Although Chance is the one cat who sleeps and does nothing all day, she manages to eat more than any other cat I've ever seen, yet remain kitten size.


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