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Denmark's Karolinelund Closed Forever

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Ugh, bad news from Denmark. After 64 seasons beginning in 1947, Karolinelund in Aalborg has shut its gates. Yes, it was a bit run-down and the most thrilling attraction was a Boomerang, but it was still....Okay, there was a Pinfari scary dark ride. That was worth saving. RIP.


Edited by robbalvey
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Oh no!


The park may not be special but it sure meant a lot to me.


I usually don't get emotional about parks/rides closing (come on guys, it's JUST A ROLLER COASTER) and I can totally see why they close this place.


Even still, this is the first park I can recall visiting and it had my first "real" coaster, the Painfairy looper of death.


So... Slightly bummed.

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It is sad that I can't even remember if I was at this park or not without looking at the trip report lol. My memory is shot!


I was happy to see that this was the park with my favorite Robb/Big Mike photo together ever!


Just for that reason, I am a bit sad now.



Peace, Big Mike


My favorite picture together with Robb of all time. Much fun was had!

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There is still hope:


Amusement park in Nothern Jutland can be rescued



Published Nov. 5th 2010 11:49 pm (GMT+1)


Tivoli Karolinelund in Aalborg can be rescued by new investors.


Investors have again shown interest in operating the threatened closure of the amusementpark in Northern Jutland, Karolinelund.


This is confirmed by Aalborg Mayor Henning G. Jensen (S) to nordjyske.dk.


If the bid is serious and well enough, the City Council will again discuss if the park should be allowed to continue in private hands or closed down, as was planned.


It will however require a new bidding round.


Must be serious enough

"If the inquiry is serious enough, then we will have a city council debate whether we will make a new bidding round or maintain the process that we are doing now," says Henning G. Jensen nordjyske.dk.


"But if there are people who wish to invest many millions in Aalborg, then my door is always open. And as mayor, chairman of the business council and a citizen of Aalborg I am surely willing to take informal discussions," he said.


Karolinelund has been operational from spring 1947 until September 4th 2010, which untill now was the parks last opening day.


Source: http://epn.dk/brancher/turisme/article2236900.ece


For us Danes, it would be a good thing to keep the park, so I keep my fingers crossed...

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  • 4 months later...

The remains has been sold:


Theme park sold at a bargain price

By Jakob Binderup


Published at 22:03:11. 11:28


Luxembourg based company pays far below half price for Karoline Lund's 18 rides.


In the autumn of 2010 Aalborg's Tivoli, Karolinelund, closed its doors to one of the province's historic amusement parks and rides such as Loopen, the Caterpillar and Boomerangen, which have since then lived a sad life hidden away in the eastern Aalborg.


In the autumn, the Aalborg City Council estimated, in collaboration with a Swiss business, that the park's total of 18 rides had a value of 7.4 million. DKK


Since then a total of 52 buyers have shown interest in the park's equipment but the highest bid came from Freizeit Anlagen Bau from Luxembourg, which now looks set to make a bargain when municipal authorities have just nominated to the City Council that the rides are sold together with a value of 3.3 million DKK writes Nordjyske.


Satisfied mayor

Mayor of Aalborg, Henning G. Jensen, is happy with the bid.


"Yes, a Cowi-report [Cowi = engineering consultants] estimated that it would cost 20 million DKK just taking rides down and we do not need to spende this amount now," says Henning G. Jensen (S) to North Jutland.


The mayor can rejoice that the Luxembourg buyers both will take care of dismantling, demounting and removal of the old rides.


Transportation alone, according to Henning G. Jensen, will require 16 trucks and 3.7 million DKK in expences - an amount the city council now will save.



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