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Question about Macs

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I was wondering if anyone had RCT3 for their Mac, specifically a MacBook Pro. I was just curious as to how well it ran on one. I have a MacBook Pro and I know how well RCT3 ran on a PC laptop. haha I've also heard that the Mac version of RCT3 has some bugs? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Please look for your question in the RCT3 Help thread stickied on top of the page. If you've gone through every page and you couldn't find the answer to your question than you may post in the RCT3 Help Thread not in a new topic.


Here is the http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49420 RCT3 Help thread.


And I also highly suggest that you read the Game forum Ettiquete. You have over 250 posts and you should know what not to do.

If you haven't read the Game Forum Ettiquete here is the link to it.




This topic might as well get locked soon by mcjaco. Please DO NOT post topics like this as creates unneccesary work for mcjaco and takes away from everybody's enjoyment of the forums..


Not trying to be mean but saving mcjaco some work instead of him explaining it.

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I have a 2008 Macbook Pro and once upon a time I had RCT3 installed on it. It works, but not dazzlingly. Many of the graphic settings have to be on much lower settings and scenery and parks can't get too large, otherwise it might become very laggy and rather unplayable. It works fine for one-coaster parks, though, and the coaster sandbox mode.


Edit: or that too^

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Thanks! And yeah I did a search and couldn't find anything and figured by making a thread it would get people to respond that actually know the answers i'm looking for and not just hope that someone stumbles across it in the help thread.

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This topic might as well get locked soon by mcjaco. Please DO NOT post topics like this as creates unneccesary work for mcjaco and takes away from everybody's enjoyment of the forums..


Not trying to be mean but saving mcjaco some work instead of him explaining it.


The most important rule at TPR: Let the mods do the modding.

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