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MARFleparks - Benetti Resort/Veja Mundo Park [RCT2]

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Thanks for the kind comments! Glad to hear I'm still good at this even after a few months' absence.


Also, one more thing I missed out on the last post -


Situated on its own little isle is an Italian-themed subsection serving as a transition between Old World and Isle of Legend. While small - containing only a cafe, a pizzeria, and gondolas - there are plans to expand this further, perhaps into a Venetian Village.


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  • 2 months later...

Hello again, time for update on things! And boy do we have plenty of new things abound:


First off, the Italy subsection of Old World has recently opened new MiniGrand Dark ride called Da Vinci's Flyers -



In this classic-to-be dark ride, taking inspiration from Leonardo's works, guests will board a makeshift flying machine and, via suspended track (akin to ET and Peter Pan) fly above scenes of Venice, Rome and beyond -



In other news, MARFleparks announced even further expansion for the Veja Mundo park. Plans include the following:


* Through a deal with BBC, a Doctor Who-themed attraction of unknown type will be added to the British section of Old World, and is planned to be the 'draw' of that area.

* A France subsection is in the works, with attractions TBA -




* Finally, and the biggest announcement of them all, is a new land themed entirely toNordguard, which will feature a larger version of The Yukon Adventure from K9-Falliday Studios in California as well as several, smaller attractions -




One last thing, a little bit of trivia: Along the edges of Isle of Legend are little, eroding rocks along the coastline, hinting at the eventual fate of this take on Atlantis -


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  • 1 month later...

The first part of Veja Mundo's Expansion - the construction of the French subsection within Old World - has opened. This new subsection immerses guests into the streets and gardens of Paris.



First thing guests walk into are two Parisian streets, lined by ornate lamps and old rows of buildings; filled with shops and restaurants of authentic materials (do try the crepe shop). To the leftmost building houses Nighttime Stroll - a dark Old-timer vehicle ride loosely inspired by the film Midnight in Paris.


Across the way is a large amphitheatre for live shows featuring authentic french music -




On the other side of the tracks, still within this subsection lies the two tallest attractions in the park -



* A scale-model recreation of the famous Eiffel Tower stands at a height of 150 feet and offers views of the surrounding Floridian area.


* Seine Splashdown - Ironically has little to do with the actual river and is more of a glorified, highly-themed shoot-the-chutes/wide flume with a brief indoor section. With a final splashdown drop of 75 feet, this attraction dwarfs the park's signature Lore of Thera by 20 feet.



Overview of Seine Splashdown


Overall, this land has been well-received, and has drew further anticipation for other expansions. There are even plans to expand this subsection by adding a village adjacent the Eiffel Tower. Only time will tell if these plans will go into effect.

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