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Theme Park Review Announces Our 2006 UK Trip!

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^LOL....I doubt it...plus robb would probably try to eat his way into the coke and chocolate room!


I'll look into it though...if it's possible to get one suite, maybe we'll have like a contest to see who gets it at one of the previous parks!


I already have some stuff like that planned so we'll see!


I told you this was going to be a fun trip!

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Sounds gret guys.

Robb I emailed you a bunch of questions yesterday (my time), did you get it?


Just want to make sure I don't delay signing up and miss out because I'm waiting on something back that you guys never got

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^^^ What email address did you send it from? Robb doesn't think he has an email from you. Go ahead and send it directly to me (I'm kind of in charge of this whole shindig) at emeridithw2@aol.com


^^Large enough to get 'park perks', small enough to do really nice special things. I'd rather not give an exact number for several reasons: let's just say more than 10 less than 1000!

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Hey everyone!


Assuming Lypha is good and the site is up and running tonight...our normal 6pm Chat would be a great place for you to come on in and ask any questions you might have about the UK Trip!


I'll be there to answer any and all questions/comments/concerns!


See you tonight!



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I cant go. As I will be 14 when the trip is on, I will be too young to go by myself because it is pointless for me going with someone because my mum doesnt really like coasters, neither is my dad, and there isnt any point of paying £900 if they arent going to use the benifets eg. ERT .etc


Maybe next time.

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There was mention of Balder in Switzerland. How many days extra would this add to the already planned 10 days? I figure if I do this trip, I'd ride as much as possible and plan accordingly to attend all the parks you folks might add on. Any other places that are being considered?



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^^^ Aw Crap...note to everyone on the trip...get on a coaster before John takes a picture of it!


^^Balder is in Sweden, we will be adding it on as a ONE day trip. More and more it's looking like when the bus drops everyone off at the airports on Monday the 19th we will fly to Sweden, go to the park, fly back to England that same day then most likey stay overnight at a hotel near the airports and fly home Tuesday. Of course you are more than welcome to add on other options as well.


Remember chat tonight to talk about all this crazy stuff!

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^When exactly is your birthday? You will have to have a passport by March so that we can get copies and numbers from it that we will need for the trip.


If you are NOT 18 as of June 9th, 2006 you will need the forms signed.

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