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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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This is 100% for sure, and don't take things for what it looks like. There is a lot that isn't out yet about the whole project. As for the website, I admit it lacks a bunch. Hopefully that will change at some point. I don't even know a lot, but I know more then what was posted on that site (I told the person that I wouldn't say what isn't out there already).

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Here's what I find funny:

Kat is lucky enough to live in the same state as the Big Dipper (though she has never ridden it) and is organizing the logistics of the project.

While I'm guilty of supporting the preservation of a coaster I've never ridden, I think that if the Big Dipper would've been more historic, I would want it to be saved. But since I have never heard anything good or bad about it to make it stick out like the ones before previously relocated, I say why waste the time or money when the historic value doesn't outweigh the work and effort needed?


We don't need to save EVERY coaster ever built.


That site looks extremely weak and cheesey by the way too.

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But since I have never heard anything good or bad about it to make it stick out like the ones before previously relocated, I say why waste the time or money when the historic value doesn't outweigh the work and effort needed?



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Love it.


The deal's not even 24 hrs old, & everybody already knows everything about it. 'Stead of bashing the effort, maybe try waiting & see how this goes down?


Try giving these people a chance! I give them credit for getting even a basic website up fast, so that people can find them.


And as far as "historical value" goes? Guess being the 6th oldest coaster counts for nothing? One of the last standing MIller rides? Or the fact that, hard as it seems for some people to believe, the BD has "value" for alot of people who've worked hard for this.


Let's enjoy the fact a very cool vintage wooden coaster has been saved. And give this a chance!

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^Probably not the best idea to come onto the site for your first post ever and bitch.


Some of us have been around long enough to know what's really going on and just call it like we see it instead of sugar coating everything and trying to save every coaster that someone deems important.

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Try giving these people a chance! I give them credit for getting even a basic website up fast, so that people can find them.


It's interesting that they got that donate button working before they could produce a credible-looking website.

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Try giving these people a chance! I give them credit for getting even a basic website up fast, so that people can find them.


It's interesting that they got that donate button working before they could produce a credible-looking website.


Its amazing how the paypal donation button is a single line of code you add to your website, isn't it?


People, Please, just give it a rest for now


The dipper *HAS* been bought, *WILL* be moving into storage, and will be reconstructed at a another park in the future, once it's been restored


Once it's running again, that will be the second historic wooden coaster saved this year, and by enthusiasts, no less (First the CLP Blue streak grant we helped get, and now the big dipper)


These are some of the rides that helped start the "Major" enthusiast movements and got a lot of our families into it, and even made some of us into enthusiasts.

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If you don't like it, Don't talk about it.

Please do not ever...EVER address our users with this tone and attitude. EVER!!!


You will get no further warning.



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Or the fact that, hard as it seems for some people to believe, the BD has "value" for alot of people who've worked hard for this.


Obviously not enough value if no one would buy it at a price as low as $9,500. If you want to save it so badly, buy it. Forget buying a car or a new apartment, just buy the coaster. Problem solved!


Now we can all go back to being happy again so we can focus on really valuable wooden roller coasters, like Boulder Dash or Thunderhead!

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The organizers hope to use donations, as well volunteer labor and resources, for the disassembly and move and are currently exploring all possible options for relocation.


Who needs engineers when you can use volunteers instead?

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If you don't like it, Don't talk about it.

Please do not ever...EVER address our users with this tone and attitude. EVER!!!


You will get no further warning.




Apologies robb, was a bit stressed when i typed that up, edited.

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Its amazing how the paypal donation button is a single line of code you add to your website, isn't it?


That's exactly my point. Anyone could have put up that site. Post on a few Internet forums about how you're "saving" the Big Dipper and let the cash roll in.


With the prevalence of Internet scams, why would these people not want to make themselves look as legit as possible before asking for money?

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If you don't like it, Don't talk about it.

Please do not ever...EVER address our users with this tone and attitude. EVER!!!


You will get no further warning.




Apologies robb, was a bit stressed when i typed that up, edited.


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Apparently, a couple of enthusiasts have purchased the Big Dipper, but don't seem to have any plan in place or any resources to do anything with it...according to their website:




"The project's organizers have not set in place any definite plans for the coaster"


From Screamscape:


One of the big stories today is that the former Geauga Lake Big Dipper has been saved from demolition. A pair of readers over at the Negative-G Fourm have pooled their resources and have officially purchased the coaster from the previous owner.

“We are planning to carefully dismantle the coaster and move it into an indoor storage facility we already have arrangements with. We will be needing a lot of help with this project - donations in the form of money and services, volunteer labor, all manor of things.”

You can read up on all the details and see how you can help them out with the project at http://www.savethebigdipper.org.





AURORA -- Channel 3 News has confirmed that the landmark Big Dipper roller coaster that sat ready for demolition on the grounds of the former Geauga Lake amusement park has been saved, having been bought by two coaster enthusiasts, an Ohioan and a New Zealander.


Kat Jones and New Zealander Harold Garmonsway had Garmonsway's payment for the Big Dipper delivered FedEx to the current owner's agent Tom Woosnam on Thursday.


Woosnam confirmed the payment but no purchase price has been disclosed.


The Big Dipper is the seventh oldest roller coaster in the United States, the 12th oldest in the world, and once held the record for the longest ride.


Designed without calculators by John Miller, the reigning coaster designer of his day, the Big Dipper thrilled patrons for 82 years until the park was closed Sept. 21, 2007.


The new owners are hoping to reopen the coaster and have made a public appeal.


"We will have to move the Big Dipper," they said, "but we are confident that, with your help, we can reopen it to the public. The Dipper will fly again."


The new location hasn't been decided but discussions are underway.


For now, they intend to dismantle the coaster and store it in Northeast Ohio until the appropriate site is secured.


You can find more details about the project on their new website savethedipper.org



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I really just don't even know what to say. It's like someone who knows absoultely nothing about cars who buys a beat-up old vintage car with the hopes that it will run again because it was their dad's favorite model car from when he was a kid. And then the car just sits under a tarp in the backward rotting away because they had no clue what they purchased or what to do with it.


I mean, you can't just go take apart a wooden roller coaster with a bunch of friends and volunteers and throw it in the back of a pick up truck. You need hire someone with actual park and ride maintenance experience to do it!


Has there been one single industry professional or has ANYONE that is a legitimate source of the amusement industry been mentioned yet?


Like, it would be one thing if the report was "The Gravity Group purchased the coaster and decided to put it in storage" or even the "National Roller Coaster Museum bought the coaster" or someone even remotely legit. But no, this is just a couple of enthusiasts on a forum, like as though Elissa and I would buy it and set it up in our back yard.


I mean, it's like "Hey BeemerBoy...let's go buy Kick Boodie and set it up in our drive way!" Yeah, that kind of silly.


I don't think these people have ANY FREAKING CLUE about what they are doing.


I'm not meaning to be negative, just realistic. There is a HUGE diference.


--Robb "This whole thing just screams dumb." Alvey

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Has there been one single industry professional or has ANYONE that is a legitimate source of the amusement industry been mentioned yet?


--Robb "This whole thing just screams dumb." Alvey


Theres a lot more here than whats been posted, robb, it's just more of the secrecy we've had since day one of the whole thing


There are industry professionals involved, and (I know of 2, currently) Parks that are intrested in the ride


I'm helping out with the oktoberfest this coming weekend, i'll find out everything i can from the guy who helped make this deal, maybe i can shed some more light, or at least, give you more solid info on it

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Secrecy=something to hide. Not the best strategy for gathering donations.


If there really are industry people involved with the project, the fact that they have yet to come forward says a lot about the project to me...

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Seems to me that if "industry people" were involved that's something you'd want to promote to drum up donations. I don't wish this project ill--if it's legitimate.


We shall see.

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Theres a lot more here than whats been posted, robb, it's just more of the secrecy we've had since day one of the whole thing

Sorry. I don't buy it. Not for a Minnesota second. It's all an immature pipedream by people who are clueless to the industry. Keeping something like that as a "secret" is unprofessional and stupid. We have "industry people" responding to this thread saying this whole thing screams of stupid.


I'm going to listen to them over a couple of "coaster enthusiasts" who so far have not mentioned ANY engineering, maintenance, construction, carpentry, electrical, or any other trade knowledge involving theme park ride consturction that would be required to pull off such a project.


And until reputable people are announced attached to this project I will continue to scrutinize, criticize and call this whole thing as just a couple of enthusiasts who have no idea what they are doing, but happened to have some cash laying around.


--Robb "I'm calling it as I see it...you want me to call it any other way, change my visuals." Alvey

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Well this will be my first post also. This is a good thing for Big dipper and the Cleveland area. It is a huge piece of history for us. Many generations of families have ridden this ride together. There are quite a few people that have been working on saving dipper for a couple years now. I have to thank Kat and her people for stepping up and doing something. If you don't like the ride, that is your opinion. I as a person that loves amusement parks from Cedar point to Memphis Kiddie park see a chance to help a group out that is doing something to save a (in my opinion) very nice roller coaster. Also they do have amusement park industry people( with a great know how about wooden coasters) helping in this project. Kat and her crew have a head on their shoulders. They are doing it right!!! Please give them a chance. They have done nothing but good!! They have only owned it for 3 days now, give them a chance!!

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^ They are not "doing it right!" Have you seen their website? Have you heard them present something that seems like a solid plan?


What they have presented thus far is laughable. Not a good first step.


If they are looking for serious donations and support, I do not believe they are going about it the right way. We will not support or "give someone a chance" when there is no clear plan presented. From what they have announced, they do not have any industry experience, they do not have a park for this ride to go to, and they don't even have people who can help dismantle the ride as they are looking for volunteers to help with just about anything.


They have nothing. What makes you think they'll be able to pull this off when they have nothing?


Case in point, when two industry experienced groups couldn't make Hard Rock Park or Freestyle Music Park work, and they had the backing of millions of dollars, how do you expect us to believe that a couple of no-name coaster enthusiasts that don't even seem to have the knowledge to put together a decent website can make a project like this a reality?


Do you see where we are coming from?

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