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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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I wish he would have just said where it was heading. Let's do process of elimination:


No Ways:


Dorney - New stuff too obvious with Planning Commission

Valleyfair! - Building wooden coaster

Knott's - Building family coaster

Cedar Point - Maverick

Great America - Already had one of these!

Carowinds - Already HAS one of these!


Doesn't Make Senses:


Canada's Wonderland - Already has (nasty) flying coaster

Kings Dominion - Just rec'd coaster in '06


The Rest:


Worlds of Fun

Kings Island

MI Adventure



The parks that are left are odd, IMO. Kings Island seems somewhat close to Geauga but the parks do serve different markets. WOF just rec'd a coaster so that seems odd, too. And MI Adventure still seems like it wouldn't receive a ride of this size, but then again, it is used at this point thus reducing the capital involved.


Time will tell I guess,



I would also not make the assumption it's for a 2007 installation. It's very possible that it could end up being a 2008 addition somewhere.


But I would agree that if it was for 2007, Kings Island does seem to make the most sense.


I mean, while on one hand it seems like a bad idea to put a Vekoma flyer there, but on the other hand, getting an Invertigo and SoB weren't the best ideas for that park either!



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Dear mcjaco:


All of the parks I listed are owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company (as it is now called).


Do some research so you don't look like a fool.


And i'm sure Robb's correct in that this ride will not appear for 2007 but be in storage for a while. With how early CF starts rides nowadays, they surely would have had this thing out of there by now if it were going up elsewhere for '07.



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Screw GL!


X-Flight was one of the only rides that I liked. The Villain turned to crap, WolfBobs is mediocre at best.


What are they going to move next, BAtMan Knightflight/Dominator? Venoms is probibly next on the chopping block.


It's official: (IMO) it WAS better under 6-flags. (yeah, i really said that... wow)

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Dear mcjaco:


All of the parks I listed are owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company (as it is now called).


Do some research so you don't look like a fool.



Since you haven't posted much (only 15 posts) so I'm going to go easy on you....


Look around and see how other people post....our members don't treat each other like this. Please don't be rude and disrespectfull to others. It doesn't make for a thriving community, and you can still get your point across without being an ass.


If this continues, you're stay here at TPR will be VERY short as Elissa and I will NOT put up with our members having this kind of attitude.


Thanks for your understanding!



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I really hope it comes to KI. It would be nice to have a new type of coaster there, and we have plenty of space...I just hope they have it up by 2007 if thats the case, since I was hoping to conquer the ride during the PKICentral roadtrip...

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Dear mcjaco:


All of the parks I listed are owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company (as it is now called).


Do some research so you don't look like a fool.



Since you haven't posted much (only 15 posts) so I'm going to go easy on you....


Look around and see how other people post....our members don't treat each other like this. Please don't be rude and disrespectfull to others. It doesn't make for a thriving community, and you can still get your point across without being an a$$.


If this continues, you're stay here at TPR will be VERY short as Elissa and I will NOT put up with our members having this kind of attitude.


Thanks for your understanding!




Thanks Robb. I guess I should have been more specific in my first post. GREAT AMERICA is not run by Cedar Fair.....Why it was in the list made no sense. Silly me, I'm a fool.


Although the park is nice, I can't say it'd be missed. I have a lot of family within a a couple miles of it, and they never go. It's been a dying park for years. They do have some nice coasters that deserve to be moved to parks that will get them more face time with the public. Please scrap Villian though...that ride blows.

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Seriously, if they got rid of the rides side of the park, and kept it as a "Soak City" would the locals really care? It seems like most of them just go to Cedar Point if they want rides anyway....


Anyone from the area care to comment?


Sure, I'm from the Cleveland area and I'll put in my two cents on Geauga Lake.


First, CF has not let this park go. The park has been cleaned up nicely, operations are much better and the rides seem to have better maintenance.


What has happened is that the focus seems to have shifted to the water park instead of the ride park. The locals are responding to the park, the water park was packed last year while the rides side was much quieter.


I think you nailed it Robb, the focus of the park will be the water park, though I don't think the rides side is going away. Kinzel stated that GL has too big of a footprint for what it brings in. The are moving to reduce the footprint. I think with X-Flight gone, they can pretty much close off the old waterpark area and much of the 50's area. I can see Steel Venom going away in the future also.


I think the park will turn into a profitable property for Cedar Fair, but on a much smaller scale than Six Flags had in mind. The park will turn into a picnic park for company outings and a smaller rides park with a great water park for the locals.


I do think downsizing is the right thing to do with this park. It will allow GL to survive, even thrive, in the future. Yes, everyone in this area goes to Cedar Point for high-tech thrills. Six Flags was foolish to even try to compete. Geauga Lake's place will be a water park and a smaller ride park priced to make it a very good value for local Clevelanders.

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HA!!!! I *called* this one when they bought the park, but nobody believed me! No one would want to listen to crazy "realistic" Robb say that "It's only time until they start parting out the rides to other CF parks..." Everyone thought I was insane and didn't know what I was talking about....


Not true, I was totally in agreement with you on this. I remember the discussion about this at another place. I felt at the time when they bought the park it was not because they had any desire to run it, but to gut the place for cheap quick attractions for their other parks, and then just shut the place down, as it is far too close to their flagship park. It just took them a lot longer to get around to this than I thought they would. I guess buying 25,000 trashcans a year takes up more time than I thought. Anyway, I agreed with you, as more often than not, you're right about this stuff.


I never got this credit, as it was broken every time I was at SFO or whatever the weekly name for the park was. I guess I'll get it at some other park now. Not that I'm overly concerned with it or anything, as the other rides of this type I've been on were just OK. Oh well...



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Thanks Robb. I guess I should have been more specific in my first post. GREAT AMERICA is not run by Cedar Fair.....Why it was in the list made no sense. Silly me, I'm a fool.


There's two Great America's.


Six Flags Great America and Paramounts Great America.


PGA is run by Cedar Fair.

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According to Geauga Lake Today, this quote says it might go to PKI.



Anyone from the area care to comment?




From the area, here's my thought. I think they're going to chip-away at the park until all that's left is the waterpark and leave nothing else on the other side. That land is worth a ton given the shopping boom around there.

I see lakefront condos and such, modestly priced at 400k (as the signs around there love to say: modest living starting at only 394,000!)


I think that place was doomed the day the animals were shipped.

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^ I agree. I think they are going to keep yanking stuff out until they pull an AstroWorld on us. Sad too since it's so old.


My guess is either PKI or Dorney, with MI adventure being a long shot.


Although MI Adv really does need to get a "new" coaster.


I hope it's PKI, I never did get to ride that one and that would be my final flying dutchman credit.

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PKI makes plenty of sense to me as the new home for X-Flight. Consider that they are stuck with Son of Beast whose future is in peril. They probably need a cheap coaster option (take from the poor, give to the rich if you will) to fill the void. The park doesn't have anything like it, the coaster has dual loading stations and can run the three trains PKI will need.


It also makes sense that GL is losing a coaster. When the park was a $50 gate offering rides/waterpark/wildlife under the Six Flags banner it could support 10 coasters (even if the place was overhyped and using its 15 minutes of fame up quickly). It's now a $25 ride/water park that has lost a lot of luster. It doesn't draw enough people or bring in the money that other parks with 10+ coasters do.


I am a bit suprised with the coaster choice at least from the GL perspective. Yes, X-Flight has great value for a park like PKI but CF still has to make a go of it in Aurora. X-Flight was probably the most popular at the park so do they think removing it isn't going to hurt attendance? Maybe removing another coaster would leave attendance the same. Removing Steel Venom or Dominator may have made more sense in my mind as those are probably less popular than the SLC. As an enthusiast I like both Steel Venom and Dominator more than X-Flight or Thunderhawk so it works for me but I'm not sure this move won't hurt the already hurting attendance at GL. The new waterpark will really have to start paying off for GL soon.

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Even with light crowds at GL I have never experienced good dispatch times on this coaster. If they don't have a top notch crew and keep the maintenence in top shape, then I foresee big problems with the crowds that can clog everything at king's island during the summer. I'll go and ride it, although I already have this credit, AND I don't like the vekoma flyer nearly as much as they only B&M flyer I've been on. (Tatsu) I will ride it, but I'll be sure and go on a rainy day in September


-James Dillaman

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HA!!!! I *called* this one when they bought the park, but nobody believed me! No one would want to listen to crazy "realistic" Robb say that "It's only time until they start parting out the rides to other CF parks..." Everyone thought I was insane and didn't know what I was talking about....


Not true, I was totally in agreement with you on this. I remember the discussion about this at another place.


As do I Dave, I was in agreement with Robb then too. I had never been to CF or GL but I agreed that it made absolutely no sense to have 2 parks that close together, especially parks that were competing with each other.

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In my opinion.

A park with 700,000 guests just can't support 10 coasters. All the other smaller CedarFair parks have around 7 with 1 million in attendance. Adding to the fact X-Flight requires high maintenence, it was bound to leave.


I think if CedarFair shrinks the park a little, the overhead is less and then they can finish making the park look nicer.But, at the state the park is in right now, I personally can't see adding any new rides yet. Otherwise it will be SF WOA all over again, people will come see the park in the state it's in and Geauga Lake will have to start winning them back all over again.


But I still dont see Geauga Lake going away yet.

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