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Photo TR: Disneyland!

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It's been way too long (like a year!) since I've been back, and today I get to see World of Color!


We went straight into DCA to check on our reservation for dinner. Checked out the Blue Sky cellar.

Can't wait for this. Looks to be very fun.


Before heading into Disneyland, Meg and I hopped onto an elevator and into a nightmare.

To the land!

All these people taking a picture of this plaque


Okay... so its gonna be this kind of a day...

Indy was great! When we approached the bridge, the ride decided to break down.

What a perfect time to whip out my camera!

The ride eventually got going... but for some reason it went completely without sound... It was incredibly eerie! We then stopped again in front of the boulder Indy.

We finally got going and they let us ride a second time! This was definitely an experience I'd never had before!

We walked around, rode some rides, had some fun.

EO time.

That was an intense 3D experience.

In 3D!!


The show was alright. It was hilariously cheesy which I did like, but I wouldn't think it worth a repeat performance. Also, the moving seats were fun, but eventually got annoying. It's like they took the experience of the kid behind you kicking your seat and turned it into an attraction.



We went to the Tiki Room

And got some Dole Whip Delish!

Yes all these shows and Dole Whip are great, but I need me some roller coaster!


Meg, no! Don't get so close! No, NO!


Hahaha, this little guy is awesome.

How 'bout a nice shiny apple?

On this hot day, the water looks sooooo nice.

Ah, to be that sub right now.

It was time for our dinner reservation at Wine Country Trattoria . Meg took advantage of the whole Booze-in-the-other-park thing.

This was a really cool little place. Great tasting food, and nice atmosphere.

Nice view too.

That was great. I prefer Blue Bayou, but it's nice to try new things. Plus we got WOC passes.


We went back to DL for a bit. Saw Push for the first time ever.

Yay, fun things are happening! Isn't this fun, kids?

Kids? Oh, sorry. Don't let all this fun get in the way of your games.


WOC was crazy cool! It was like all (well not all) of your favorite Disney moments put into a crazy special effects montage.

Though it was weird when Johnny Depp appeared among all of these animated characters. That was my only issue with it.


That was pretty much the end of our night.

We walked around Disneyland some more then called it a night.



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