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Lake Compounce/SFNE on a Saturday

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Went for the gold flash pass at SFNE. I think we marathoned Bizarro 10+ times or something. I rode the front and back and I have to say I like the back better. The front had better airtime on every hill but the back had excellent airtime too, plus a wicked intense first drop.


Lake Compounce was definitely something special and is now one of my new favorite parks. I did get a chance to try the sky ride and it was insane. I don't think I've ever been on a sky ride more than two minutes long, let alone one that takes you up 700+ feet.


Boulder Dash was INSANE and is quite possibly my new favorite coaster and without a doubt my new favorite woodie over El Toro. We rode it once close to sunset then three more times after dark. The night rides were just a mind**** and I had no idea what was going on except that I was out of my seat way more than I was in it. For some reason sitting on the right gave me more airtime, and was a little less shaky. The last car was verging on slightly painful too, but was a blast nonetheless. Also, the BD crew was AWESOME. I seriously have never seen such excitement for a ride. Ever. Both on part of the ride ops and the riders.


Just wondering, has BD gotten rough over the years or stayed pretty much the same?


Wildcat was PAINFUL. I rode the last car of SFNE cyclone and found that to be fun, if not slightly painful. I can usually take bumpy rides but this thing was just outright terrible.


I'll post pics later. I think I have a thread for all of my summer trips

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Went for the gold flash pass at SFNE. I think we marathoned Bizarro 10+ times or something. I rode the front and back and I have to say I like the back better. The front had better airtime on every hill but the back had excellent airtime too, plus a wicked intense first drop.


Lake Compounce was definitely something special and is now one of my new favorite parks. I did get a chance to try the sky ride and it was insane. I don't think I've ever been on a sky ride more than two minutes long, let alone one that takes you up 700+ feet.


Boulder Dash was INSANE and is quite possibly my new favorite coaster and without a doubt my new favorite woodie over El Toro. We rode it once close to sunset then three more times after dark. The night rides were just a mind**** and I had no idea what was going on except that I was out of my seat way more than I was in it. For some reason sitting on the right gave me more airtime, and was a little less shaky. The last car was verging on slightly painful too, but was a blast nonetheless. Also, the BD crew was AWESOME. I seriously have never seen such excitement for a ride. Ever. Both on part of the ride ops and the riders.


Just wondering, has BD gotten rough over the years or stayed pretty much the same?


Wildcat was PAINFUL. I rode the last car of SFNE cyclone and found that to be fun, if not slightly painful. I can usually take bumpy rides but this thing was just outright terrible.


I'll post pics later. I think I have a thread for all of my summer trips


BD was kinda rough for a little while then I think they retracked it? And it's been pretty good since. The one time I went to LC this year got a little banged up but that's only b/c i rode it 22 times .

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The back row of the SFNE Cyclone used to be an instrument of torture until they retracked the damn thing. Now it just separates the men from the boys, which is to say that it's intense as hell yet a lot of fun. Wish I could say the same about the Thunderbolt, but it's cursed with the fate of a). having little air, and b). hunting like you would not believe. Little guy needs some urgent TLC.

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^Unfortunately I'll be off in college in October


I'm going again on Wednesday as a friend offered to drive. I'm going after 5 again but is there actually a parking fee? When we got there last time all but one of the parking booths was open. We saw the sign that said $7 for parking but there was no one working in the booth. Needless to say, we were really confused. We just drove through and it looked like everyone behind us was extremely confused too

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