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Anybody feel the earthquake in a park today?

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^Usually in California (as well as here in Vegas), they just close the rides and do a quick inspection before reopening. Depending on severity, it usually only means rides are down for a couple of hours or so. The bigger issues arrise if there is a power outtage as a result.

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I felt it, and I'm an hour west of Toronto.


La Ronde probably was the closest park. Canada's Wonderland probably would have felt it a bit.


I doubt they would have done much though. It was a pretty minor quake. It would have been barely noticeable at Wonderland.

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Felt it up in Northern Michigan, just south of Mackinaw. Closest park would be Michigan's Adventure and I have no idea how they fared, but I'm gonna assume they did just fine.


EDIT: They probably felt it due to the park being so dead quiet.

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