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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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The rodent was said to be causing headaches for operators at Alton Towers by getting in the way of improvement work on an attraction at the resort. Workers noticed it riding the revamped Sonic Spinball roller coaster as it was tested in the mornings and joining visitors who were offered an early go on it before the official opening. The grey-haired animal was also caught stealing food from the workers.


A spokesman for the Staffordshire theme park said: ''It was getting in the way of builders who were painting. ''They couldn't carry on because they would end up with paw prints in the paint. ''And we can't have anything on the track when the roller coaster is going round.''


Alarms were installed that emit a warning noise inaudible to human ears but designed to ensure the squirrel, nicknamed Sonic, avoids the ride in future.


Morwenna Angove, sales and marketing director at the Alton Towers resort, said: ''Unfortunately Sonic's behaviour is a danger both to our guests and himself and so we're doing all we can to ensure that he stays away from the ride. ''Banning a squirrel from a roller coaster is certainly unusual but I suppose there's a first time for everything.''


The Sonic Spinball ride officially opened to the public yesterday to coincide with the start of the February half term.


I guess Coaster Enthusiasts can come in all shapes and sizes! lol


ADMIN EDIT: I have gone ahead and quoted the story and have added the photo as well. In the future, feel free to utilize our quote function so that others may read the stories without having to leave the forums.


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^A PR person that probably didn't know any better!


My press release would have been so much better...something about Tails getting jealous of all of the attention Sonic was getting etc.


Or perhaps they don't have the rights to even mention tails?

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Okay as its now 3 weeks until the TH13TEEN weekend can I ask if anyone else besides myself is going? If so contact me so I can sort out meeting up and ensure you are all in the most awesome, sexy, scary and slightly erotic video/photo trip report of TH13TEEN the world will ever see!



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you got it

I can't wait & will probably be on about this for weeks...! LOL

Sadly though, "cameras & camera phones are prohibited at boot camp"


The finalists now appear on Alton's website, where you can follow the events. Takes place next week, 2nd & 3rd March, will keep ya posted.



There's 27 volunteers, to be eliminated down during the process...

Survivors take the 1st ride on 3rd March.


Wish me luck! I have to admit I'm biased right now, but what a great run-up campaign.

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