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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Alton terrors' ad is banned



ALTON TOWERS' new TV campaign for a rollercoaster has been banned - for being "too scary".

Advertising watchdogs say the ad for the Th13teen ride, which features spooky hooded figures, may not be shown before the 9pm watershed. Stunned execs have gone back to the drawing board.

Th13teen - based on the discovery of an old burial ground - launches next month. It has been touted as the "most gruelling" ride in the country.

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Alton terrors' ad is banned



ALTON TOWERS' new TV campaign for a rollercoaster has been banned - for being "too scary".

Advertising watchdogs say the ad for the Th13teen ride, which features spooky hooded figures, may not be shown before the 9pm watershed. Stunned execs have gone back to the drawing board.

Th13teen - based on the discovery of an old burial ground - launches next month. It has been touted as the "most gruelling" ride in the country.


More random headline grabbing I think...

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Putting those corkscrew's at the entrance is going to give Alton Towers one of the best and coolest looking entrances anywhere. Can't wait to see it finished.


Thorpe did better. Well this is unique I will give it that. Massive park rethemes like this are nice in my opinion. It keeps things fresh. I think Th13teen will be really a great and exciting new ride and attraction for many different age varieties. Its like a family coaster but for the more daring side. Especially with the "unseen" world first section and all that jazz. I wish I could be there for it to open. I really do but my first stop is Intimidator at Carowinds of course. I am totally looking forward to the reviews and spoilers for this ride come the next few weeks.

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Couple of photos taken by Youtube favourite Shawn Sanbrooke today:


Entrance to the new area


As close to Th13teen as you can possibly get during this half-term event.


So much for Alton Themeing the castle 360 degrees, bit of a disappointment, I would love to think they will do it in the next few weeks, but it looks pretty permanent if you ask me, It just looking like instead of the idea of going into the castle you'll just be going into a metal shed, kinda ruins the idea of total immersion psycoaster......


Anyones thoughts?

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So much for Alton Themeing the castle 360 degrees, bit of a disappointment, I would love to think they will do it in the next few weeks, but it looks pretty permanent if you ask me, It just looking like instead of the idea of going into the castle you'll just be going into a metal shed, kinda ruins the idea of total immersion psycoaster......


Anyones thoughts?

I believe that side of the station (which isn't completely covered yet by the looks of it) is going to be covered in scaffolding and canvases as if the building is being renovated like the Towers themselves. That will cover both the tin shed of the building and the evac stairs and doorway you can see.


EDIT: http://2010.towersnerd.com/plans/1_big.jpg (link to original plans)

Edited by Dobba
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^^ I knew the tallest parts of Rita were painted that colour but it looked to me as if more of the track was painted that colour than before, and also the shade of brown on the further away track seemed to be different to the shade on the track around the brake run/ station/launch.


I'm probably mistaken however

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