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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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It really does make you question whether or not these more "open face" trains are a good idea. I get that there is more of a thrill element, but isn't that "thrill element" the fear that you could die if you collided with something? Perhaps it's not such a smart design move...


I mean, what would happen if two of those B&M floorless trains collided?

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I think the only practical way to mitigate that would be to have a zero-car on every train, with plastic farings, that fall off in a collision, to cover it. I don't know if these infinity coasters can have longer trains, but if not it would massively affect throughputs, possibly too much to be acceptable to manufacturers/parks considering this should never happen?

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I don't know if these infinity coasters can have longer trains, but if not it would massively affect throughputs...

From Gerstlauer's website:

The vehicles of the Infinity Coaster feel infinite and quite spacious. The versatile coaster is available with individual cars for 8 riders as well as with trains holding up to 32 riders. Choosing a train doesn’t change the experience, however. The train concept is designed to navigate small radii, too! The new seat concept is fantastic! The open and high seat positing which offers lots of space and comfort for the riders – including floorless coaster feeling!




The Infinity Coaster is available with chain lift as well as with LSM-Launch – or both! The chain lift is avaible with lift hills of differnet angles. Likewise our 90° lift is navigable for trains composed of maximum 4 rows (16 riders). A new feature of our lift system is the magnetic, silent, safety chain dog system that lowers the vehicles backwards in case of a power loss. That ensures a quick, safe and comfortable evacuation of the riders in case of emergency right at the bottom of the lift hill.

They can run up to 4 rows per train for a layout with a vertical lift, or up to 8 for a layout without one. Smiler's trains were the longest the manufacturer allowed due to the second lift being vertical.

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Wow, i knew that the train was badly damaged from the original pictures last year but seeing it up close it looks loads worse than i thought. Really is a miracle that the girls didn't lose both legs. Since re opening the coaster has been running so much better though, there's certainly not been any major breakdowns or issues as there was before.

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It really does make you question whether or not these more "open face" trains are a good idea. I get that there is more of a thrill element, but isn't that "thrill element" the fear that you could die if you collided with something? Perhaps it's not such a smart design move...


I mean, what would happen if two of those B&M floorless trains collided?


In this case the 'fence' in front of the riders seems to be the thing that caused the most harm. Maybe an even more open design in this case would have saved some legs.


I have wondered the same thing about the b&m floorless designs. They do have some kind of a bumper in the front but im not sure if that would hold up in a high speed crash. Besides That, what would happen if someone would have his legs stretched out at the point of the crash.


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I have wondered the same thing about the b&m floorless designs. They do have some kind of a bumper in the front but im not sure if that would hold up in a high speed crash.


Pretty sure that bumper is there purely to prevent any mechanical damage to the trains in case they should bump together at low speed in the station/brakes/transfer area. You can find that bumper on all B&M's, not just the floorless ones.

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I have wondered the same thing about the b&m floorless designs. They do have some kind of a bumper in the front but im not sure if that would hold up in a high speed crash.


Pretty sure that bumper is there purely to prevent any mechanical damage to the trains in case they should bump together at low speed in the station/brakes/transfer area. You can find that bumper on all B&M's, not just the floorless ones.

Completely correct. It would only slightly help in a high speed crash.


Why does Nemmy have a walk-on all day, every day?


Every time I check the ride times website, it's either 0 or 5 minutes. Any reason for this?


Just you wait till summer comes!

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Towersstreet Talk are reporting on their facebook that some plans have surfaced on the Staffordshire Moorlands planning portal as part of a structural assessment that show a possible layout for SW8


Here's the link to the page: http://publicaccess.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=103314 but it seems enthusiasts have hugged it to death.


I can't decide what it looks like most, I think GCI but could be RMC but there doesn't seem to be any obvious inversions? Unless they're pulling a Smiler with it all in GDO and this is just a courtesy to the council so some inversions might appear later?


James from TowersStreet has made this overlay to show how it fits in with the overall area:


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The damage on that train is incredible! As an IndyCar fan, I have to wonder.....the cars are made to explode to absorb the crash energy and save the drivers. Possibly something like this could be integrated into the front of all "open faced" trains in order to lessen any impacts. Just like a carbon fiber bumper of the front to absorb any impacts?

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