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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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This thought just came to mind. Many enthusiasts complained how Alron Towers chose OSTR's in stead of lap bars. However, think of how much worse the injuries sustained would have been, especially on the front row. Think about it, because the attachment of the lap bar to the train is on the front of the carrage (where the impact was) and would therefore be shoved into the torso of the rider. This could have separated the front row riders into two!


So maybe is was good luck Alton towers requested the OSTR's? Maybe if there was a death, the ride would not be operating now?

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I think you will find that many people who went on the Smiler since it re opened went on it to say "Oh I went on that ride that crashed and didn't get hurt". Thats just how people are these days. I can tell you the same thing happened after the Tomb Blaster incident at Chessington. Guests came into the park and rode it making claims like that even though the ride itself had nothing to do with the incident in the first place.


Its great the ride has re opened and proves Merlin do have a bit of a backbone and dont bow down to press *cough*SeaWorld*cough*. I personally am not really fussed about it as I don't think its a particularly good ride anyway but it is good for the park.

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Just got back from Alton Towers today having ridden the Smiler three times. I have to say that it was great to see the ride back in operation. No fuss was made, it just opened as usual and people rode it. Not one person I saw/heard mentioned the accident or that it would put them off and most people were perfectly happy to get back on and enjoy the ride.


The ride experience was practically identical to before the crash minus some TV's and audio not on (they could make a comeback but who knows?) The ride also seemed to run all day with no issues whatsoever.


The Smiler is back!

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Good to hear its opened and people are going on it. Proves the GP are confident the ride is still safe!


I dont really think you can fault the parks handling of the whole thing start to (almost) finish - I haven't seen any announcements, advertisments etc specifically about the Smiler opening, other than replies to tweets. Avoids a lot of criticism from the media about what they should and shouldn't do, by not doing anything at all other than promoting Galactica and general park re-opening.

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This thought just came to mind. Many enthusiasts complained how Alron Towers chose OSTR's in stead of lap bars. However, think of how much worse the injuries sustained would have been, especially on the front row. Think about it, because the attachment of the lap bar to the train is on the front of the carrage (where the impact was) and would therefore be shoved into the torso of the rider. This could have separated the front row riders into two!


So maybe is was good luck Alton towers requested the OSTR's? Maybe if there was a death, the ride would not be operating now?


Interesting thoughts, however, no more credible than saying that the extra support and framing neccessary for lap bars, would have made the front of the train much stronger and resistant to impact.

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Opening day for Galactica, heard the VR is making dispatch quite slow, it's opening week so the crew probably need time to adjust and hopefully the pace will pick up, i'm seeing a 90 minute queue right now on the site, with Nemesis, SW and Smiler at 45 mins.

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Seems all that extra training and more visual checks around the track have some holes if this camera was missed on the very first train out:




If they found the camera, then they would have stopped the ride on the lift hill. This would have made the media blast out of nowhere and bombard the ride to pieces thinking there was a breakdown on the first train.

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It's a shame that the VR Headsets on Galactica are compulsory

They're not.


i've never been on Air and i was just going to to Alton this year and ride Galactica without a headset

You still can.


The ride is now named Galactica, and is advertised as a VR coaster. Every passenger is supposed to be wearing a headset... but you can still ride without one if you wish.

It's basically the opposite of most other VR-coasters out there.

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It's a shame that the VR Headsets on Galactica are compulsory

They're not.


i've never been on Air and i was just going to to Alton this year and ride Galactica without a headset

You still can.


The ride is now named Galactica, and is advertised as a VR coaster. Every passenger is supposed to be wearing a headset... but you can still ride without one if you wish.

It's basically the opposite of most other VR-coasters out there.



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They are being quite vague with their twitter replies about it being to "ensure that all guests have the same fully interactive experience on the ride." and telling people to ask the staff (Galactinauts) about arranging a non-VR ride when a mother asked about her child and not giving a definite yes or no if it is possible when questioned further. This reply made me laugh when some-one asked if they would be turned away at the entrance if they wanted a non-VR ride.


Hi, Not at all! We have plenty of rides on park in which do not have headset requirements of which guests are able to enjoy.


I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about Alton Towers entrance.

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^ Well I'm not sure how much the PR team know about Galactica right now, they just told some-one who complained they weren't allowed on Galactica with their Gold fastrack that it doesn't include Galactica...... except according to the official website (and screens in the park apparently) it is included and even on the silver: https://www.altontowers.com/theme-park/extras/fastrack/#fastrack-packages


I thought maybe that AIR was automatically updated to Galactica across the site and someone forgot to remove it from the listings but the picture is even Galactica for the silver.... but then again the adventurer fastrack has a picture of Thirteen which isn't part of that pass.

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