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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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a launched woodie


That was my first thought given the massive area but the height restriction. Not really sure though.


On what sort of timescale are the planning applications submitted to the council if they were going to aim to open it next year? Is it a bit late already for someone not to have spotted them?

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I personally think an Intamin Aqua trax would be a really good ride for the park.


I keep telling you guys, these are a myth. I check every-time I go, there's just a trax now....


In all seriousness though, if Lotte World is never going to turn the water back on I would also really like to see another be built.

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^^They'd have submitted one months ago if they were going to, it's usually towards the end of the year. I believe plans for The Smiler were submitted in December 2011 so we'd have seen one in December last year or towards the start of this year. However, i think that the area around Katanga Canyon and The Flume site are under the GDO, which means that they don't need planning permission to build as long as it's under certain restrictions.

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^Didn't this argument already happen?


Electricity is incredibly expensive in the UK compared to most other countries so LSM launches just aren't financially possible.



Ok, on second thought, maybe it's BETTER than the fanboys haven't been responding to this thread!


--Robb "This might be one of the dumbest things ever posted to TPR." Alvey

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The GDO doesn't cover the raised bit in the woods though, so they'd need permission for anything to go that far. Plus it only allows buildings below 5 metres, which is why they applied for permission for The Smiler.

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^^They'd have submitted one months ago if they were going to, it's usually towards the end of the year. I believe plans for The Smiler were submitted in December 2011 so we'd have seen one in December last year or towards the start of this year. However, i think that the area around Katanga Canyon and The Flume site are under the GDO, which means that they don't need planning permission to build as long as it's under certain restrictions.


There was an aritcle on TowersTimes about this time last year of something happening in regards to SW8, and it linked to this. Though it says that the ride was going to belocated in the Forbidden Valley area near Nemesis.

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Kind of sad that Enterprise is now the only flat for the whole park considered a thrill: http://ridetimes.co.uk/?group=Thrill


This makes me really want a new flat package for next year.


I'd actually like to see new flats before SW8. I'm really not sure what kind of flats they would add, though.


If they didn't have the height limits and S&S still made them, a Sky Swat could've gone really well in Ripsaw's old spot.

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Kind of sad that Enterprise is now the only flat for the whole park considered a thrill: http://ridetimes.co.uk/?group=Thrill


This makes me really want a new flat package for next year.


I'd actually like to see new flats before SW8. I'm really not sure what kind of flats they would add, though.


If they didn't have the height limits and S&S still made them, a Sky Swat could've gone really well in Ripsaw's old spot.


They could always relocate Slammer from Thorpe Park


Nemesis is staying plain white.


That is only phase one of the repaint. The helix does have some of the blood paint theming on it. Only one side of the station building has been painted also, should be finished next year.

Edited by thedazza
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Kind of sad that Enterprise is now the only flat for the whole park considered a thrill: http://ridetimes.co.uk/?group=Thrill


This makes me really want a new flat package for next year.


I'd actually like to see new flats before SW8. I'm really not sure what kind of flats they would add, though.


If they didn't have the height limits and S&S still made them, a Sky Swat could've gone really well in Ripsaw's old spot.


I remember in RCT1 there was a park with an S&S Space Shot/Double Shot emerging from the ground. Thinking of S&S, maybe they can build one?

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Nemesis is staying plain white.


That's an older photo though, the supports are now black. It is staying white for now, but part of the first turn after the corkscrew has 'rust' painted on it, and it's likely the whole track will look like that in the near future.

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This tells you the GP won't always fall for the media's twisted views. It was an honest mistake with a horrific outcome, but that doesn't mean that the coaster is unsafe!


One step closer to the GP becoming smart... finally.....


(insert unfunny joke here)

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