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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Nice head-chopper for the riders with that added circular thin... oh wait.


on another note, the writer of the article says that his second ride was a bit off. That's a bit worrying, Hopefully they fix this, I do get motion sickness on bad simulators.

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^It's been maybe 10 years since I rode AIR, where those handles he is holding always there?


Yes, but they are more like arm rests not actual handles.


It seems the handles are actually new. The silver rests that are underneath were always there but not the handles themselves.

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^It's been maybe 10 years since I rode AIR, where those handles he is holding always there?


Yes, but they are more like arm rests not actual handles.


It seems the handles are actually new. The silver rests that are underneath were always there but not the handles themselves.

I've never noticed them before, but they were there already, at least in all the pictures I've seen, although having said that it looks like the shape of them has changed over the years. I guess some might have been replaced through wear and tear over the years and the shape has changed as the design has been refined?


Image: Towers Times


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So we either get a new coaster in 2017 or this might be the first Secret Weapon that isn't a coaster. Either way I'm already exited to see what ground breaking this will be added to the already stunning line of the SW series.

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It completely skipped my mind when making the first post but back in 2011, this sign appeared next to the sales and information booth at Mutiny Bay. Obviously much may have changed between then and now and the Switzerland reference (or indeed the whole thing) may just be a complete tease/enthusiast talking point (it certainly achieved that at the time!) but with this evening's news, it is some fuel to add to the speculation fire.


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^Interesting poster, although as you say a lot can change in 5 years so the Switzerland reference may well be outdated, but still seems as if it was planned a long time ago!


I'd love it to be something like an RMC woodie. Either way I hope it is a new coaster, and a decent sized one that uses much of the area the Flume currently uses, given that the area looks big enough to just about take Nemesis and Galactica combined. If only Alton didn't have the height restriction we could dream BIG

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That poster was just a joke at enthusiast's expense. Evidenced by the Black's Marauders(B&M), the blatent naming of Switzerland for Intamin, name dropping Merrie England. I doubt Alton Towers were even thinking of The Smiler in 2011, let alone a coaster here!

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I'd be quite happy with something like a Mack Water Coaster and think this would be both a fitting replacement to the Flume, and also be a nice fit for the park. It's a nice area they have to work with - looking forward to seeing the construction pictures from the Sky Ride

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That poster was just a joke at enthusiast's expense. Evidenced by the Black's Marauders(B&M), the blatent naming of Switzerland for Intamin, name dropping Merrie England. I doubt Alton Towers were even thinking of The Smiler in 2011, let alone a coaster here!


Actually they were, SW7 was supposed to be a B&M coaster but apparantly B&M weren't ready with their new concept so Alton went with The Smiler instead.

The Long Term Development Plan (2010-2019) earmarked The Flume for removal, so yes they would have been thinking about it's replacement at the time that poster was put up.

It has happened a few times that Alton Towers have switched their plans around for one reason or another. I believe AIR was supposed to be for 1998, but B&M weren't ready with the flyer concept so Oblivion was built instead.

So yes the poster was obviously aimed at enthusiasts, mentioning a Secret Weapon from Switzerland (home of B&M and Intamin), but was also quite likely to have been a clue about one of their plans for the area.


I'd be quite happy with something like a Mack Water Coaster and think this would be both a fitting replacement to the Flume, and also be a nice fit for the park. It's a nice area they have to work with - looking forward to seeing the construction pictures from the Sky Ride


Although I would like to see a Mack Water Coaster at Alton Towers I don't think that would be very "Ground Breaking".

I think this is more likely to be a launched woodie with inversions (meaning Alton Towers could market it as a World First). Or maybe B&M are finally ready with a 4D version of their Wing coaster.

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The sign looks to be in a 'pirate like' theam. I personally think an Intamin Aqua trax would be a really good ride for the park.

I don't think that has anything to do with the theme just the area in wich this ride comes. I remember clearly that the Smiler's secret weapon logo was themed to the X-Sector form the park.

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